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浅议建设工程的项目风睑管理 夺商要】我国0前处于基础工程建设的高峰期,项0投资主体多元化进程加快,工程项H 的竞争F1趋激烈,且建设过程是一个周期长、投资多、技术要求高、系统复杂的生产消费过 程,在该过程屮,米确知因素、随机因素和模糊因素大量存在,并不断变化,由此而造成的 风险直接威胁工程项目的顺利实施和成功。在当今建设工程项目管理中,风险管理□逐步被 人们所认识,在初步分析工程项目风险管理理论的基础上,探讨了工程项目的主耍风险因素 以及识别方法,并提出了针对性的风险化解策略。 风险管理被认为是项目管理的三大支柱之一。文章首先分析了项0风险管理的相关概念 以及项口风险的特性、类别以及产生风险的主要因素和风险管理的辨识、风险评估与分析、 规划决策、实施决策等,并从工程项目风险管理目前存在的情况以及解决的对策进行了详细 阐述。风险管理在项目管理体系屮心冇重要的地位,本文将对风险管理进行初步的探讨,系 统地分析我W建设工程风险管理的现状和工程风险管理制度体系中存在的主耍问题,并提出 建立和完善我国工程风险管理制度体系的方法和建议,抛砖引玉,希帮能够为建设工程项0 加强风险管理提供帮助。 关键词】工程项口风险管理存在问题防范 Abstract】 Summary of the basic infrastructure is now in the peak period of accelerated diversification of investment, the project is becoming more competitive, and the building process is a long cycle, investment and more technically demanding, complex system of production and consumption process, the process, unascertained factors, a large number of random factors and fuzzy factors exist, and are constantly changing, thus causing a direct threat to the risk of successful project implementation and success. In today’s construction project management,risk management has gradually been recognized in the preliminary analysis of project risk management based on the theory,discussed the project and the identification of major risk factors,and proposed strategies to defuse the risk of specific . Risk management is considered one of the three pillars of project management. The article first analyzes the concept of project risk management,and project risks related to the characteristics of the risk categories and generated major factor in the identification and risk management, risk assessment and analysis,planning, decision making, implementation and decision-making,and project risk management from the existing situation and the countermeasure were described in detail. Risk management in project management system plays an important role, this article will preliminary discussion of risk management,systematic analysis of the status of construction project risk mana


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