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ICS 23.020.30 J74 National Standard of the Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB 150.4-2011 Partially Replace GB 150-1998 Pressure Vessels一 Part 4: Fabrication ,Inspection and Testing, and Acceptance 压力容器第4 部分:制造、检验和验收 Issue on: November 21 ,2011 Implemented on: March 1, 2012 Issued by General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of the Peoples Republic of China Standardization Administration of the Peoples Republic of China   Contents Scope ……………………………………………...,… . 1 2 Normative References …………………………… ……………………………………………………….. .. … 1 3 Tenns.. .. ... .. ... ... .. 2 4 General Provisions .. ……… ……………………… …… ... ……………… 3 5 Material Retesting, Segmentation and Symbol Transplantation …….. 4 6 Cold Forming, Hot Forming and Assembly … .…… ·…… ... … 5 7 Welding .. ... .. .. .. 13 8 Heat Treatment ……………… …… ……-………………………………·…….. 16 9 Test Piece and Test Specimen ………….. .. …. ……… ….. 20 10 Non -destructive Inspection. ….. … ... .. .. 23 11 Pressure Test and Leakage Test …………………………………… ...…… .. 27 12 Layered Vesse l.………… ... …..…………………………………………… 29 13 Exfactory Requirements for Vessels.. …... … .. ... .. .. 34   Foreword All technical contents of this part of this standard are mandatory. This standard GB 150 Pressure Vessels consists ofthe following four parts: 一一-Part 1: General Requirements ; 一一-Part 2: Materials ; 一一-Pmt 3: Design ; 一一一Pati 4: Fabrication , Inspection and Testing, and Accept


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