新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程 B4U4课件.ppt

新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程 B4U4课件.ppt

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新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程 B4U4课件.ppt

Man’s opinions Woman ’s opinions Conversation 2 Topic: 7) ________ Attitude: 8) ____________ Reasons: ? It’s just 9) _________. Artists have copyright on their songs, so it’s like 10) _______________. ? If people share the music 11) ____________________, how can musicians 12) ____________________? ? Worried about being found out. Attitude: 13) ____________ Reasons: ? Artists make little money from 14) _________. They want people to hear their music. ? For newer groups, 15) ____________ is the way they get known. ? Singers and groups make most of their money from 16) ____________. 1 Listen and complete the table. Speaking for communication Downloading music for free theft without paying file sharing For Against stealing from them make any money CD sales concerts * 1 Listen and complete the table. Speaking for communication Man’s opinions Woman ’s opinions Conversation 3 Topic: 17)_____________ Attitude: 18) _______ Reasons: ? Buses are more 19) ____________________. ? A trial showed that there was 20) ______________________ – almost 10 percent. ? The town center works 21) ________________ as it is. Attitude: 22) _____ Reasons: ? It’d be really good for 23) ________________. ? Buses will be replaced with 24) ____________ or something like that. ? The center is clogged up and 25) _________. Banning cars from city center polluting than cars perfectly fine the environment polluted Against a reduction in shop sales For electric buses * 2 Listen again and choose the expressions you hear. ? 1 Take the case of … ? 2 In particular … ? 3 … such as … ? 4 … it’s a well-known fact that … ? 5 Despite the fact that … ? 6 … like … ? 7 For instance,… ? 8 In the same way … ? 9 … it’s been shown that … ? 10 According to … Speaking for communication √ √ √ √ √ √ √ * Additional Tips Supporting your viewpoint There are three basic methods you can use to support your viewpoint: Giving examples Vivid and concrete examples often have strong impact on listeners’ belief. When



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