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2. free from control 自由的,散漫的 The animals were loose in the zoo. 这些动物在动物园里自由走动。 * Come and see us if youre at a loose end. 闲著的时候到我们这儿来坐坐。 * loosen作动词,指“松开,解开”。 to loosen one’s coat 解开外衣 * The government’s control over the newspaper has loosened in recent years. 近几年政府对报纸的控制放松了。 * Relax 放松, 使松弛 Relax the muscles 松弛肌肉 A relaxing music 使人放松的音乐 * 09年12月听力例句 Do you think what you do to relax is an ________ way to beat stress? Effective 你认为做什么来放松是战胜压力的有效方式呢? * secure vt. 1. make firm or tight; fasten 关紧,固定 Secure all the doors and windows before leaving. 离开之前把所有的门窗关紧。 * 2. make safe; protect 使安全,保护 The wall was built to secure the village from attack. 建造这堵墙是为了保护村庄不受攻击。 * 3. get, something with difficulty 得到,获得 Theyve secured the governments support for the project. 他们已取得了政府对这一规划的支持。 * a. 1. safe安全的 Are we secure from attack here? 我们这里很安全,受不到攻击吧? 2. firm or tight enough for safety 牢固的 Make the window secure before leaving the house. * Secure a position 获得一份工作 Be secure against/from fire 确实没有着火的危险 * Security 安全,保障 听力例句 Once they feel that sense of security, that’s when they can be creative. 一旦他们有安全感的时候,他们就会有创意。 What does the speaker say about young children? D They can be creative when they feel secure. 04年1月四级真题 * Refuge [refju:d?] Is there enough oil beneath the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (保护区)to help secure America’s energy __ against ___future? 北极国家野生保护区的地下有足够的石油以满足美国未来的能源需求吗? 05年6月阅读例句 * Secure oneself against/from danger 使自己免受危险 Secure the company’s future 使公司前途得到保障 * faint Adj.无力的,眩晕的 N. 晕厥 Feel faint through hunger 饿得头昏要花· 完形填空 Most of them are not serious; fainting and dizziness are the most frequent complaints. 多数不是很严重,晕厥,目眩是常见情况。 05年12月 * A faint light 暗淡的光线 A faint sound 虚弱的声音 Faint possibility 极小的可能性 * Thirst These young children thirst for knowledge. 这些孩子们都渴求知识。 I thirst for steady love and happy family life. 我渴望稳定的爱情和幸福的家庭生活。 渴望 * Water flowed into the thirst fields. 水缓缓地流进了干涸的土地。 * Be thirsty for 渴望 * h



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