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probable 这个词所表示的可能性比起possible的可能性要大。是本组词中可能性最强的用语。例如: It seems probable that he will arrive before dusk. It is probable that they will come to the meeting. 注意:Probable 不能用表示人的名词或代词作主语,其结构为:It is / was probable + that clause. Possible 是这组词中可能性最弱的用词。与probable都不用表示人的名词或代词做主语。 注意:它与probable不同之处是:possible做主语时,后面可以接动词不定式或that从句。如:It is / was possible to do sth.或It is /was possible for sb. to do sth.或It is / was possible + that clause.例如: It’s possible for him to get here at 3 o’clock. Success is possible but hardly probable * privilege n. a special advantage 特权 ;特殊待遇;特殊荣幸 As a student of our university, you will enjoy /have certain privileges, such as free use of the library and computer room. 当女皇参观我校时,我有幸见到了她。 I had the privilege of meeting the Queen when she visited our school. 和你在一起工作是我莫大的荣幸。 It is a privilege for me to work with you . privileged a. 有特权的,又荣幸的;特许的; I’m privileged to have worked with her so often. They are a privileged group of people in our society. * do without: manage to survive, continue, or succeed although you do not have sth. you need. want, or usu. have If we can’t afford meat we shall have to do with fish. (以…对付过去,以…凑合着用) I haven’t enough money to buy a car, so I’ll just have to do without. (设法对付过去,将就) Youll have to do without your dinner if you dont get back in time. highly: 1) very Mr. Smith was a highly successful salesman. It seems highly likely that she will take the job. 2) to a high level or standard Most of the people present at the meeting are highly educated women. The chairman of the department was the most highly paid member of faculty. If you speak highly of him, you praise him. 称赞;表扬 If you think highly of him, you admire him. 敬仰,敬佩; * P.2 put/turn the clock back: return to a situation that used to exist, usually because the present situation is unpleasant The employment bill in which women are not allowed to take jobs will put the clock back fifty years. Forget all about it and look to the fut



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