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广告策略 ADVERTISING STRATEGY 每个客户与代理商都希望广告是能令人振奋的; Every client and agency expects an advertising strategy that informs and inspires. 代理商希望广告的策略具有连结品牌与消费者的关联性。 The agency expects the advertising strategy to make a meaningful connection between the brand and the consumer. 广告策略 ADVERTISING STRATEGY 我们 (客户服务与创意人员一起工作)必须提供一个是观众心声的卖点。 We(Client Service working with the Creative ) must provide a leverageable insight about that relationship. 如果我们要创作出一个能推动客户销售的广告,我们必须明确广告在复杂的市场竞争中被运用的角色。 If we are to creative advertising that will move the client’s business forward, we must pinpoint the role of advertising that will play in the complex marketplace arena. 广告策略 ADVERTISING STRATEGY 以下是一个在我们应用的广告策略撰写格式。 The following is an Advertising Strategy Format which will be improvised here in our office. 每一品牌都必须有此品牌策略文件。 EACH BRAND SHOULD HAVE THIS BRAND STRATEGY FILE. 1、品牌市场目标BRAND MARKETING OBJECTIVES 陈述品牌的全部市场目标 State the brand’s overall marketing objectives (它们应该是具代表性及主要的市场目标—销售、占有率等。--它们是从广告中明确、客观地分离出来的) (These are typically broad business objectives--sales, share, etc. --That are separate from the specific objectives for the advertising.) 2、品牌定位BRAND POSITIONING 如果有一已确定的品牌定位陈述,请写下。 If there is an agreed upon brand positioning* statement, state it here. 如果没有,请写下需优先的内容。 If not, this is the first priority. 2、品牌定位BRAND POSITIONING(续) 此定位不可因时间及产品的不同而改变的,必须与其全球的定位保持一致。 The positioning should not change from year to year, or product to product. Must also align with Regional and Global positions if they exist. 3、品牌调性BRAND ESSENCE 如果有一已确定的品牌精神,请陈述。如果有录象,应包括在本单内。 If there is an agreed upon brand essence* statement, state it here. If there is a video, include it with the assignment. 如果没有已确定的品牌精神,确认包含一个品牌“特征”,需策略性陈述。 If no brand essence has been agreed to, make sure to include a brand “character”* statement in the strategy. 3、品牌调性BRAND ESSENCE(续) (用主要驱动品牌的,与整体环境有关联的东西去建立品牌精神,贯穿广告公司与客户,直至广告完成) (Develop brand essence on key drive brands in conjunction with regional Pubkicis AD-


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