2013年小学英语PEP人教版五年级下册《Look At the Monkeys A lets learn》.ppt

2013年小学英语PEP人教版五年级下册《Look At the Monkeys A lets learn》.ppt

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?页脚? ?日期/时间? ?页脚? Unit 5 Look at the monkeys! A Let’s learn 历城区遥墙镇河套小学 孙 梅 PEP Book 6 ?日期/时间? ?页脚? Walk, walk, I can walk. Jump, jump, I can jump. Run, run, I can run. Swim, swim, I can swim. Fly, fly, I can fly. ?日期/时间? ?页脚? What can he do? ?日期/时间? ?页脚? It can fly. ?日期/时间? ?页脚? What is it doing? It’s . flying The bird is flying. ?日期/时间? ?页脚? It’s flying. The … is … What is it doing? ?日期/时间? ?页脚? He’s flying. What is he doing? 他正在干什么? The … is … ?日期/时间? ?页脚? It’s jumping. What is it doing? ?日期/时间? ?页脚? It’s . walking The … is … ?日期/时间? ?页脚? The walking champion 竞走冠军 王丽萍 What is she doing? 她正在干什么? of the world She’s walking. ?日期/时间? ?页脚? swimming Look at the ____. fish What is __ doing? It’s __________. it ?日期/时间? ?页脚? running He’s . ?日期/时间? ?页脚? Look at the ____. What __ __ doing? It’s running. cat it is ?日期/时间? ?页脚? Look at the It’s jumping. flying. walking. swimming. running. Oh? The pig is flying. No!!! ?日期/时间? ?页脚? This is a magic park. If you come into this park, maybe you can get supernatural ability. Only if you guess the right answer, the wish will 这是一个魔法公园。进入这个公园的人都有可 能获得超自然的能力。只要你猜对一个问题,这个 be true. And you will get a magic stick. 愿望就能实现,还能得到一支象征魔力的魔法杖。 ?日期/时间? ?页脚? What is it doing? It’s ... ?日期/时间? ?页脚? It’s jumping. ?日期/时间? ?页脚? What is he doing? He’s ... ?日期/时间? ?页脚? He’s swimming. ?日期/时间? ?页脚? What is she doing? She’s ... ?日期/时间? ?页脚? She’s running. ?日期/时间? ?页脚? Listen and tick or cross.(听录音,判断对错。) I see two elephants. ( ) The mother elephant is jumping. ( ) The baby elephant is running. ( ) ?日期/时间? ?页脚? √ × √ Listen and tick or cross.(听录音,判断对错。) I see two elephants. ( ) The mother elephant is jumping.


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