第六章 增词与略翻译.ppt

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第六章 增词与略翻译

第 六 章 增词与省略翻译 By Xu Xiaomei November, 2013 Teaching Objectives To learn the translation techniques of : amplification and omission Teaching Focus : How to make the translation more accurate by using the adopted techniques Teaching Methods: Combination of explanation, analysis and practice Time Arrangement: 4 periods References 郭著章,《英汉互译实用教程》 冯庆华,《实用翻译教程》 张培基,《英汉翻译教程》 孙致礼. 新编英汉翻译教程[M]. 上外教出版社; 彭长江. 英汉-汉英翻译教程[M]. 湖南师大出版社, 冯伟年,最新简明英语翻译教程[M],世界图书出版公司,2001 陈宏薇,新编汉英翻译教程[M].上海外语教育出版社,2004 许建平.英汉翻译实践与技巧[M].清华大学出版社2000 增词法 Amplification 教学目的:让学生了解常用翻译技巧“增词” 教学重点:增词 教学难点:如何在翻译实践中中应用这一技巧 教学方法:技巧分析与翻译练习相结合 教学参考书:郭著章的《英汉互译翻译教程》、张培基的《英汉翻译教程》、吕瑞昌的《汉英翻译教程》和彭长江的《英汉-汉英翻译教程》 教学时间:2节课 I. Definition of amplification Amplification, also called addition, means supplying necessary words in our translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original. As a matter of principle, a translator is not supposed to add any meaning to or to subtract any meaning from the original work. However, this does not mean that a translator should refrain from supplying necessary words to make his or her version both accurate in meaning and in keeping with the idiomatic use of the language to be translated into. In fact it is precisely for the purpose of “faithful representation” of the thought of the author that we often resort to “amplification”. This is because English and Chinese are two entirely different languages and each has its own historical and cultural background. Therefore, many ideas, idiomatic expressions and phrases, etc. that are well understood in the country of their origin can hardly make sense to the original patterns without alteration and consequently amplification is adopted in dealing with such occasions. 1. A book, tight shut, is but a block of paper. 译文1: 一本书,紧紧合上,只是一叠纸。 译文2:一本书,如果紧紧合上不读,只是一叠纸。 译文3:一本书,如果紧紧合上不读,只是一叠废纸。 译文4:闲置之书只是一叠废纸。 2. Success is often just an idea away. 译文1:成功往往只是一个念头的距离。 译文2:成功往往只是一念之差。 译文3:成功与否往往只是一念之差。 4. Away flies the


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