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EVA、传统会计指标与上市公司股价表现 一一基于贵州茅台公司的典型案例研宄
贵州茅台酒股份有限公司成为2016年境内资本市场真正的“股王”,如何解释 该公司股价表现也成为资本市场的研宂热点。文中从外部投资荠的角度,在比较 评述经济增加值(EVA)与传统会计指标方法的基础上,对2010—2014年该公 司平均市值与EVA、传统会计指标的相关性进行了实证分析,结论显示:对上市 公司股价表现,EVA指标的解释力明显优于传统会计指标,但传统会计指标并不 能被完全替代;如果投资者将两者相互参照,并将其合理搭配运用,将对做出更 为有效的投资决策具有非常重要的借鉴意义。
唐恒书,男,重庆大足人,重庆交通大学经济与管理学院,博士,副 教授,研究方向为资本市场理论、博弈理论与数理经济学;
李茜,女,四川眉山人,重庆交通大学经济与管理学院,研究方向为 资木市场理论和公司理财。
EVA, Traditional Accounting Index and Listed Companys Share Price
Performance A Typical Case Study
Based on Kweichow Moutai Company
Tang Hengshu Li Xi
School of Economics and Management, Chongqing
Jiaotong University;
Kweichow Moutai company was the real king stock of the domestic capital market in 2016, whose overvalued share price causes great attention of many investors and scholars. Study on the explanation of the company’s share price performance has become a hot research topic in field of the capital market. From the perspective of an outside investor, the present study makes an empirical analysis on the correlation among the company’s average market value (from 2010 to 2014),economic value added (EVA) and traditional accounting index, based on the comparison and review of EVA and traditional accounting index method. The results show that the EVA index has a better explanatory power to the share price performance of a listed company, compared with the traditional accounting
index. Nevertheless, the traditional one should not be completely replaced, and it is helpful for investors to make effective investment decisions if the said two indexes are reasonably combined and applied.
economic value added; traditional accounting index; market capitalization of company; share price performance;
Received: 2017-2-15
贵州茅台酒股份有限公司(股票代码600519,以下简称贵州茅台公司)2016年 成为我国第一高价股,一举摘得“股王”的荣誉。支撑贵州茅台高股价最重要基 础在于其骄人的业绩。那么,该公司的经营绩效真实情况如何,公司业绩与其股 价有着何种内在联系,是本文研究的核心问题。
上市企业的经营业缋与其股价是否存在N在的关联,这是学术界长期争论的话 题。这一主题研究的关键在于如何科学客观地