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Hearing Loss The Ear External Middle Inner External Ear Auricle and ear canal Helps direct sound to ear drum Locate source of sound in space Middle Ear Space between the ear drum (tympanic membrane) and inner ear Air filled space containing the 3 ossicles (malleus, incus, and stapes) Inner Ear Balance and hearing components Cochlea- hearing Semicircular canals,Utricle, and Saccule- balance How do we hear? Sound waves travel down the ear canal and vibrate the ear drum and ossicles. Vibrations transferred via the ossicular chain to the inner ear. Vibrations cause movement of inner ear fluid which stimulates tiny nerve fibers, converting mechanical to electrical energy. Air conduction What Do We Hear Human ear capable of hearing 20-20,000 hz Testing done for 250-8000 hz typically Hearing Loss classification Non-organic Organic Conductive loss Sensorineural (nerve or sensory) loss Mixed hearing loss: combination of conductive and sensorineural losses Hearing Loss category Mild: dB26 to 40dB in better ear Moderate: dB41 to 55dB in better ear Severe : dB56 to 70dB hearing impairment in better ear Profound hearing impairment :70 to 90dB Near total deafness: 91dB and above in better ear Total deafness: No hearing Conductive Hearing Loss Hearing loss is caused by any disease process interfering with the conduction of sound from the external ear to the inner ear. External auditory canal Cerumen (wax) impaction Stenosis (narrowing) Infection Surgery Skin disorders Congenital Tympanic Membrane(Eardrum) Perforation (hole) Retraction Middle Ear Absence of ossicles (middle ear bones) Stiffness of ossicles Dislocation of ossicles (trauma) Cholesteatoma Tumors Character of conductive hearing loss Negative Rinne test: BC AC Weber test: lateralisted to poorer ear Normal bone conduction Audiometry shows bone conduction better than air conduction with air-bone gap. Loss is not more than 60dB Test normal conductive SN Rinne ACBC BCAC
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