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写作指导:  对于地理方位的介绍的文章,首要的是抓住方位,确定要介绍物体或位置的参照物。而在具体写路途的转换时,句句应衔接,不要有遗漏。同时选择合适的介词和上下文的连接词,使文章连贯清楚。描写方位方面的句型以及词汇有: 1、main road 主干道    one-way road 单行道             highway main 公路     street 大街                        sidewalk 人行道   crossing 人行横道                  overhead walkway 天桥  traffic lights信号灯 traffic block (jam) 交通阻塞 2.在…拐角处 on/ at the corner of 紧接着next to / beside 在前面in front of  朝…走go to 在…中心in the centre of 在…十字路口at the crossing 在小河那边beyond the river 在街对面cross the street / on the other (opposite) side of the street 顺(沿)…走walk (go) down 在…尽头at the end of 径直走go straight on 向左拐向turn left into 走左边第三个道口take the 3rd turning on the left 通过广场go across the square 通往lead to 坐落于lie in…/ be located in…/ be situated in 3. 加拿大在美国北部                                         Canada lies to the north of American. 台湾在中国的东南部                                   Taiwan lies in the southeast of China. 参考范文: Dear John, I’m so grateful you’re coming to see my father at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. Here is how you can find People’s Hospital. After you come to the Da Zhong Square, walk northwards till you get to the gate of East Park. Turn right and walk along the street. It will take you about 5 minutes’ walk to arrive at the police station. Then walk northwards again and turn right at the second crossing, you will find people’s Hospital in front of you. I’ll meet you at the gate of the hospital. I’m sure you’ll have no trouble coming here. Xiao Li 写作训练二:   假如你在路上遇见一位外宾,他问你去购物中心怎么走。购物中心离问路处只需半个小时,但为了使这位外宾顺利找到购物中心,你给他画了下面的一幅草图。现在,请你根据草图,把给外宾指路的话写下来。内容不超过100词。 参考范文: The shopping centre is not far from here. It’s only half an hour’s walk. Now take the first turning on the left. Then go along Yanan Road. Please turn right at the traffic lights. That’s to say, take the second turning on the right. Then you’ll find a bridg


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