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U51050 Strategic Management 战略管理 Module 7: 第七章 Implementing Strategies: Management Issues 战略实施中的管理问题 Professor Sharon Moore SGSM Comprehensive Strategic Management Model 综合战略管理模型 Management Issues 管理问题 “You want your people to run the business as if it were their own.” “应当使企业员工像经营自己的企业一样经营公司业务。“ —William Fulmer — -威廉 福尔默- Management Issues 管理问题 “A management truism says structure follows strategy. However, this truism is often ignored. Too many organizations attempt to carry out a new strategy with an old structure.” ”管理的真理是架构跟随战略而形成。但是,这个真理往往被忽视。许多的机构总是尝试在旧的架构中去实施一个新的战略。“ —Dale McConkey— -戴尔 麦肯基- Management Issues 管理问题 Successful strategy formulation does NOT guarantee successful strategy implementation! 成功的战略制定并不保证成功的战略实施 Management Issues 管理问题 Strategy Implementation —more difficult to “do” something 战略实施 -“做”起来更难 Strategy Formulation —easier to say “going to do it” 战略制定 — 说”将要去做“比较容易 Management Issues 管理问题 Management Issues 管理问题 Transition to Strategy Implementation 向战略实施的转变 Shift in focus to divisional and functional managers 着重点转向个人及职能部门经理 Implementation problems arise 出现实施的困难 Management Issues 管理问题 Important Implementation Concerns 实施中主要的问题 Managers employees often motivated by self-interests rather than organizational interests 经理和员工更多的是为个人利益而非公司利益所驱动 Need to involve all divisional and functional managers in strategy formulation 战略的制定需要所有分部和职能部门经理的参与 Exercise 2 练习2 Is your business an upstream or down stream organisation in terms of supply chain? 从供应链的角度来说,你所在的企业是一个自下而上还是一个自上而下的组织? Do different ‘positions’ call for different strategies? 不同的”定位“要求不同的战略吗? Discuss in your group and share your best group learning with the class 分小组讨论,然后和全班分享小组的讨论结果 Management Issues Strategy Implementation 管理问题及战略实施 Management Issues Strategy Implementation 管理问题及战略实施 Management Issues Strategy Implementation 管理问题及战略实施 Management Issues Strategy Implementation 管理问题及战略实施 Exercise 3 练习3 As structure follows strategy, devise a strategy that will call for a n


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