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转移性乳癌 为居住在澳大利亚的华裔女性提供的资讯 Metastatic breast cancer Information for women from Chinese backgrounds living in Australia 简体中文 | 英语 Simplified Chinese | English About us 关于我们 Breast Cancer Network Australia 澳 大 利 亚 乳 癌 网 络(Breast Cancer (BCNA) is the peak organisation Network Australia BCNA , 简 称 ) 是 for people affected by breast cancer in Australia. BCNA works to make 澳大利亚受乳癌影响的人士的頂尖组织。 sure that people diagnosed with BCNA 致力于为确诊患有乳癌的人士及其 breast cancer and their families get 家属尽可能提供最佳的支援、资讯、治疗 the very best support, information, 和护理。 treatment and care possible. BCNA 拥有一系列免费资料供转移性乳 BCNA has a range of free 癌 人 士 使 用, 包 括 Hope Hurdles。 information, including Hope Hurdles, for people 请浏览我们的网站 .au 或致电 with metastatic breast cancer. 1800 500 258 了解更多资讯。 Visit .au or call 1800 500 258 for more information. BCNA 感 谢 维 省 新 生 会 (Chinese Cancer Society of Victoria)、 更 生 会 BCNA would like to thank the (CanRevive) 以及受转移性乳癌影响的女 Chinese Cancer Society of Victoria, CanRevive and the people affected 性,帮助本手册的撰写。本手册中的所有 by metastatic breast cancer who 引用来自受转移性乳癌影响的华裔女性。 contributed to the development of this booklet. All of the quotes in this 本计划是澳大利亚癌症协会支援癌症病患 booklet come from women from 者的倡议项目,并由澳大利亚政府资助。 Chinese backgrounds affected by metastatic breast cancer. This project is a Cancer Australia Supporting people with cancer Grant initiative, funded by the Australian Government. 本手册內容 In this booklet 第一节 SECTION ONE 关于转移性乳癌 2 About metastatic breast c


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