专四作文模板一 给定观点型作文.ppt

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Writing ;; Title:?? Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment? Outline: A. Presenting the arguments on the topic and stating my stand: tourism will not bring harm B. Giving reasons: tourists’ environment awareness, boosting economy, etc. C. Conclusion: as long as tourists have cultivated environment awareness, it’s not harm but benefit that will be brought ;;;;Composition Marking Criteria;;;;;;Composition Marking Criteria;Writing ;Contents; 给定观点型模式框架;介绍;给定观点型;实例分析;2003 TEM-4 ; The Importance of Keeping a Good Mood Recently,people in modern society live under a lot of pressure from education,career or family.We often hear cases of going mad or committing suicide by those who cannot handle pressure well.So,it becomes a hot topic.I think,it is important to keep a good mood under whatever circumstances and no matter what happens. ;;; 此题为给定明确观点型的命题式作文,给定考生一个明确的论点,要求考生给出论据,去分析论证这个论点,考生不需要考虑给出论点,只需要考虑如何能很好的证明论点。这个题目说到现代社会中,人们承受了大量的压力,如教育、职业发展、家庭等等。所以,保持一个良好的情绪很重要。 范文的开头以背景现象手段开始,介绍了近年来人们面临的压力越来越大,导致了很多发疯自杀的现象,因此调节压力,保持心态很重要。 正文从两方面进行了论证,一方面良好的心态情绪有助于与他人搞好关系。然后作者又深入的举了一些例子来阐述这一点的好处。另一方面,好的心态会使人保持健康的身体。 结尾,作者提出我们必须要充分重视好情绪的重要性,这样才能面对社会的种种压力。 这篇文章把握了题目的要求,论证良好心态的重要性,论点清晰,论述清楚,结构合理。; 2001-TEM-4 ; Travel Broadens the Mind Nowadays,travel becomes a popular activity.More and more people have enough money to travel abroad or at home. As a matter of fact,travel has become part of our life.A common ground has been reached that travel can broaden our mind. The first reason why I have such a view is that travel can help us know the different people and different customs.We can meet people with different interests;we can see strange things;we can get ideas of the conditions and customs of other people;we can taste different foods and local dishes;we can understand how people live in different ways.The further reason is that travel can help us enjoy the beautiful scenery in differen


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