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。。。。。。。大学外国语学院 学 年 论 文 The Comparisons of Body Language Between English Culture and Chinese Culture 《英汉文化中关于肢体语言的比较》 班 级 专 业 商务英语 院 系 外国语学院 授 课 语 种 英语 学 生 姓 名 指导教师姓名 2011年 12月10日 Abstract Body language plays an essential role in nonverbal communication and intercultural communication. It is universal that people everywhere make use of body language to express their fellings and emotionsto to convey some messages. Ignoring body language, one may commmit generous errors with undesirable consequences, so the sharing of body language makes it possible for people from different parts of the world understand each other better. In order to perform well in cross-cultural communication, we should learn different even somesame body language have different meanings in different cultures, some same meanings are signified by different body languages. In the following paragraphs, the component of body language and some differences between Engliah and Chinese body languages will be presented by comparisions and instants. 摘要 肢体语言在非语言交际和跨文化交际中起着非常重要的作用。世界各地都存在着很普遍的一种现象,人们通过肢体语言来表达自己的情感以此传达给对方一些信息。如果忽略了肢体语言的信息人们很可能会犯严重的错误并且导致无法想象的后果,因此了解不同文化的肢体语言有助于来自五湖四海的人们更好地理解对方。为了能够应对跨文化交际中的一些细节,我们必须知道在不同的文化中一些不同的肢体语言甚至相同的蕴含着不同的意义,还有一些相同的意思会通过不同的肢体语言来表达。接下来,我将要就英汉文化中肢体语言的不同进行对比和举例。 Key words: body language , intercultural communication , facial expression , gesture posture 关键词: 肢体语言 跨文化交际 面部表情 手势 姿势 The Comparisons of Body Language Between English Culture and Chinese Culture Introduction Body language Designation for instinctive, conscious and conventional expressive movements of the body, including posture, head movements, facial expression and gestures, etc. Necessity and significance since body language is effected by cultural rules, it is difficult for us ot observe the diversity in the use and interpretation of body language when we communicate with foreigners, the same body lang


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