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PAGE PAGE 19 摘要 近年来,随着社会的进步,经济的发展,人们生活水平也相应地有了很大的提高,对新事物和高端产品有了更多的购买和拥有欲望。一些企业也恰恰运用消费者这些不满足,物以稀为贵的消费心理来快速大力推广其产品,因而产生了“饥饿营销”这种营销侧略。例如,在我们日常生活和工作中,常常碰到这样一些现象,买新车要交定金排队等候,买房要先登记交诚意金,甚至买iPad,iphone还要等候,还常常看到什么“限量版”、“秒杀”等现象。并由于苹果全系列产品的热销,以及大批的黄牛借助苹果产品的持续缺货而牟取暴利,更有甚者,北京某苹果专卖店因发生黄牛与店员因购买iphone4s冲突而暂时关门停业,这让“饥饿营销”这一行销手段再次被媒体推到了风口浪尖,引起大家的广泛关注。在国内媒体的报道中,不少人直接把“饥饿营销”当成了苹果一以贯之的市场运作技巧。而在国外的报道中,鲜见“饥饿营销”的描述与指责,也大多集中在苹果产品蓬勃的需求和缺失的供应。对于国内消费市场来说,“饥饿营销”成了对市场需求无法满足的缘由的一个简单的答案,人们甚至认为,苹果有动机对市场需求故意不予满足,这是它一个独特而有效得市场手段,产品的稀缺性造就了苹果品牌,树立了苹果高端形象。那么,“饥饿营销”究竟是怎样的一个定义,它对一个企业来说是有利还是有害,它的具体操作是怎样的,它在当今中国市场上上的发展前景如何,本文将做具体分析, 关键词:营销策略,饥饿营销, In recent years, along with the progress of the society, the development of the economy, peoples living standard also had a very big enhancement. People have more desire to buy and own those new products and luxuries. Some enterprises are using consumer psychology such as the unsatisfactoriness, content with rare for expensive to promote their products quickly, thus develops hunger marketing. For example, in our daily life, we may often encounter such phenomenon: we need wait in lines to buy a new car, you should pay some before you buy a house , even you buy’ iPad or iphone, waiting in a line is necessary. The so called limited edition and seckill often appear in the public society. And because of all the series of the products apple sell like hot cakes, and the large number of cattle with apple products for the stock and exorbitant profits, even more, there is a confrontation outside the Apple store in Sanlitun Village though it was resolved peacefully, the companys long-term hunger marketing strategy has sparked questions from inside the industry. In the domestic media reports, many people directed that hunger marketing is the one of the main market operation skills of apple. And in foreign countries’ report, the rare hunger marketing description and accuse, mostly describes the apple products’ demand and the lack of vigorous supply. For domestic consump


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