七(下)Unit7SectionA 1a-2c.ppt

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七(下)Unit7SectionA 1a-2c

Section A Period 1 (1a-2d) ;Lets chant;Lets Learn the Weather!;sun;cloud;wind; rain;snow;sunny ; How is the weather today? It’s …;windy;cloudy;sunny;rainy;snowy; How is the weather? = What’s the weather like? like在这里是用作介词;1. raining___ 2. windy____ 3. cloudy____ 4. sunny_____ 5. snowing___;Fill in the blanks according to the pictures.; It’s _______.;1b Listen and write these city names in the boxes above.;1c Imagine you are in one of the places in 1a. Talk about the weather with your friend on the phone.;Hong Kong sunny;Describe the weather in each place.;2;2b Listen again. Mach the names with the activities.;2c Talk about the people in 2a with a partner.;What is she doing?;Look at the pictures and say. ;Dad is feeding the dog.;2d Role-play the conversation.;Suppose(假如) you have a good friend in USA. Now you are talking with him/her. What are you talking about? ;A: Hi! This is coco/….. B: Hi! How is the weather there? A: It’s … B: Is your mother at home? A: Yes. B: What is she doing? A: She is … B: What about …? A: Bye. B: Bye.;Language points;1. 英语中电话通话的交流套语,应注意进行整体学习,不要逐词对译。 例如: 当打电话要求Rick通话时,可说: May I speak to Rick, please? 我找里克。 Is that Rick (speaking)? (你) 是里克吗?; 当接听电话时,说“我是Rick”时,英语常用: Rick speaking. This is Rick (speaking). It’s Rick (speaking).; 2. How’s it going? 近来可好? 这是英语中进行问候时的寒暄用语,相当于汉语中的“近况如何?”“身体可好?”“一切还好吗?”多用于口语或非正式书面场合(如与朋友通信等)。; 还可以问: How’s your summer vacation going? 你暑假过得怎么样? 常用回答有: Fine! 很好! Pretty good! 非常好! Not bad! 马马虎虎!;3. It sounds like…与It sounds…句型近似,都表示“听起来……;听上去……”。这种省略的用法十分口语化,在日常英语会话中可常听到。例如: (It) Sounds like he’s all right now. 听上去他现在病已经好了。 (It) Sounds like you had a good time on your trip. 听起来你旅行玩得蛮开心的。;The pizza _________ good. I’d like some more. A. turn B. sounds C. feels


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