新目标英语七年级下Unit 6Period 1 ppt.ppt

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新目标英语七年级下Unit 6Period 1 ppt

Unit 6 I am watching TV. -四川省达州市达川区景市初级中学 胡胜华;Section A 1a-1c;newspaper;; Activities;play the guiter;talk on the phone;Guessing game;T: What is she doing? S: She is…;T: What is he doing? S: He is…;T: What are they doing? S: They are…;learning Aims;Lets learn the words!;I listen to a CD.;I read a newspaper. ;;He is talking on the phone;soup He is making soup;What are they doing?;It’s 10 o’clock.;;1a Match the activities with the pictures.;a. Jenny ___ b. John ___ c. Dave and Mary ___;Boy: Hello, Jenny. Girl: Hi, Bob. Boy: Jenny, What are you doing? Girl: I’m watching TV. Boy: Do you want to play tennis? Girl: No, this TV show is interesting. What’s John doing? Boy: He’s washing the dishes. Girl: Well,what’re Dave and Mary doing? Boy: They’re listening to a CD.;;;观察思考;;现在进行时的特征词;;; What doing ? ;—Hi, Li Xue. What _____ you _____? — I’m __________. — What ___ your dad ______? — He’s ________ his car. — What __ your mom _____? — She is _________ in the kitchen. — What about your sister? — She’s _______ my mom.;一、核心词汇。 1.报纸newspaper     2.使用use 3.汤soup 4.洗wash 二、核心词组。 5.看报纸read_a_newspaper 6.做汤make_soup 7.打电话交谈talk_on_the_phone 8.听一张CDlisten_to_a_CD 9.看电视watch_TV 三、核心句型。 10.—他在做什么? —他在使用电脑。 —Whats_he_doing? —Hes_using_the_computer. 11.—他们在做什么 —他们在听CD。 —What_are_they_doing? —Theyre_listening_to_a_CD.;;五、单项选择。 17.Listen,the girl D an English song. A.sings  B.sing  C.is sing  D.is singing 18.—Is your brother B TV? —No,hes ________ a newspaper. A.watching,looking B.watching,reading C.looking,watching D.watching,read 19.My pen pal and I often talk C. A.on phone B.by the phone C.on the phone D.with the phone 20.—Whats Mary doing? —A. A.She is washing the dishes B.She often washes the dishes C.She exercises D.She sometimes cleans 21.—What A you ________ ? —I ________ the dishes. A.are,doing,am doing B.are,do,do C.do,do,am doi


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