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第 九 周 Unit8 Is there a post office near here? 语言目标:1. Ask for and give directions on the street. 一 单词(三会): 1.地点类单词:post office , police station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, street, bank, 。 2.方位类单词:near, across from, in front of, behind, north, neighborhood, right, left 。 3.动词类单词: pay for, turn, turn right/ left, spent time , climb , enjoy reading , 4. 其他类单词: money, easily, free, sunshine, air, crossing, 。 二 句子:(三会) Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is. It’s on Center Street. Are there any restaurants near here? Yes, there’s one in front of the post office. Where’s the hotel? It’s behind the police station. Where are the pay phones? They’re between the post office and the library. 三语篇: Hi, excuse me. How can I help you? That’s great! Thanks so much. No problem. I live in a noisy neighborhood. There is a post office between my house and a clothes store. 四语法:there be 句型的运用。 五 教具: 简易方位图两张,主句型条,难点单词卡。 六 作业:作文,描述自己家的周围。 1 听录音 周六 周七 周八 周九 周十 Unit6 Unit6 Unit7 Unit8 Unit9 2 单词每个至少三次,会写为止。 3 背诵2b 教学框架图: 第一课时(35m)Revision and lead in. 第二课时(40m)Learn the new words. 第三课时(40m)learn the sentences and text. 第四课时(30m)practice. 教学流程及教学语言组织参考: 第一课时(35m) Warming up T: Greeting T: hi, Good morning ! How is the weather today? (What’s the weather like today?) T: Do you like rain/sunny/snowy weather? Why? What are you doing in the rainy weather? T: Feelings Great, bad, just so so, happy, no problems. Weather Cool , warm , hot, cold, sunny , rainy , snowy, windy Activities Playing ping-pong, swimming, running, climbing the hill. Look at the form and make a conversation like this: A: Hi, Rick. How’s it going? B: Great! A: how’s the weather today? B: it’s very sunny. A: What are you doing? B: I’m playing …. A: Sounds like you’re having a good time. B: Yeah. A: Is your brother at home? B: No, he isn’t. he’s at his friend’s home. Can I take a message for him? A: Yes. Could you just tell him to call me back?


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