人教版初中英语七年级下Unit 7Its raining!.docx

人教版初中英语七年级下Unit 7Its raining!.docx

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人教版初中英语七年级下Unit 7Its raining!

Unit 7 It’s raining! 主备人:曲美瞳 学情分析 The students in grade seven are active and eager to act in the class and, it is the time to set the foundation for them. Therefore, the activities in class should be both interesting and educational. The range of the classroom activities should cover most of the students. 教材分析 This unit continues to learn the present continuous tense. The topic of this unit is about weather. The function of this unit is aiming to help students to consolidate what they have learned last unit and, to talk about weather in our daily life. 教法、学法: Communicative teaching method, cooperative learning method and independent study 教具准备:power point, pad 课型: new lesson The 1st period (Section A 1a—2c) 教学目标 知识能力目标: Knowledge objectives: students will be able to understand the words describing weather and, use the sentence pattern to ask and answer about weather. Ability objectives: students will be able to talk about weather in real life. They will know how to check the weather in different places through weather forecast. 情感态度价值观目标: Affective attitude: students will be able to use the topic in the daily conversation and, they will be aware of the culture difference in different countries. 教学重难点: Key points: words about weather, sentence patterns of asking weather Difficult points: how to describe the weather in different places and different times and, how to make a weather forecast. 教学过程: 1. Warming up: Daily speech: two students tell a story and ask two questions about the story they told. Analyzing teaching aims: one student read and translate the aims of this lesson, which will help them to have a better understanding for the lesson and help them to get ready for the new knowledge. Lead-in: Review what they have learned last unit, which is the present continuous tense. Listening drill one: Pre-listening: observe the pictures and describe what people are doing in the pictures. While-listening: play the tape and walk around to see


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