人教版七年级下册Section A 1a—2dppt.ppt

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人教版七年级下册Section A 1a—2dppt

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? Section A (1a-2d);Ⅰ. 选词配图 draw, chess, swim, sing, dance, guitar;答案: 4. chess 5. guitar 6. draw;A: Can you 1.    ? B: Yes, I 2.    . A: 3.    4.    do you want to join? B: I want 5.    6.    the dance club. And you? 答案: 1. dance 2. can 3. What 4. club 5. to 6. join;1. Can you speak English? 你会说英语吗? 【自主领悟】speak及物动词, “说(某种语言)”, 其宾语为语言类名词, 结构为speak+语言。例如: Bruce can speak Chinese. 布鲁斯会说汉语。;【归纳拓展】speak的不同用法 (1)speak可作不及物动词, 意为“说话”, 可单独使用, 强调说话的能力或本能。例如: The baby can speak. 这个婴儿会说话了。 (2)常用于短语speak to/with+人, 意为“和某人说话”。例如: May I speak to Tom? 我可以和汤姆通电话吗? ;【活学活用】 ①——汤姆会说汉语吗? ——不, 他不会。 —Can Tom       ? —No, he can’t. ②这个男孩不会说话。 The boy       . 答案: ①speak Chinese ②can’t speak;2. I want to join the music club. 我想加入音乐俱乐部。 【自主领悟】(1)join作“参加; 加入”讲, 常用来表示加入某个组织、党派或团体并成为其中的一员, 即join+组织/党派/团体。例如: My brother wants to join the army. 我弟弟想参军。 (2)club表示“俱乐部”或“社团”, 在英、美等国中小学校会组织各类俱乐部来提高学生的兴趣及才能, 丰富他们的文化生活, 相当于“兴趣小组”。;【归纳拓展】与join相关的词组;【活学活用】 ①我想加入网球俱乐部。 I want to               . ②你能与我们一起做游戏吗? Can you   us   the game? 答案: ①join the tennis club ②join; in;3. You’re very good at telling stories. 你很擅长讲故事。 【自主领悟】(1)be good at“擅长于……”, 其后接动名词、名词或代词作宾语。其同义词组为do well in。例如: Kobe is good at playing basketball. /Kobe does well in playing basketball. 科比擅长打篮球。 (2)tell“告诉”是及物动词, tell stories讲故事。;【归纳拓展】tell的不同搭配;【活学活用】 ①Bruce does well in singing Chinese songs. (改为同义句) Bruce               Chinese songs. ②安娜擅长跳舞。 Anna is       dancing. ③我的爸爸经常告诉我要努力学习。 My father often tells me       hard. 答案: ①is good at singing ②good at ③to study;Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. My sister could    (play)the piano at the age of 6. 2. I want    (have)a birthday party for my brother. 3. Let’s join the    (swim)club. 4. Ann    (can not)play basketball well. 答案: 1. play 2. to have 3. swimming 4. can’t;Ⅱ. 单项选择 1. —    you sing a song? —Yes, I    . A. Do; can      B. Can; do C. Can; can D. Can; sing 2. Everyone   Putonghua in this school. A. speaks   B. speak  


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