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We thank you for your quotation of 3 October and the sample garments you sent us. We find both quality and prices satisfactory and are pleased to place an order with you for the following: 译文:感谢你公司10月3日报价和服装样品,我公司对你方服装的质量和价格均感满意,现提出订货如下;… We regret very much that it is necessary to complain about the non-delivery of the 10,000 tons of sugar under Contract BC 23. In the above contract, the importance of delivery by the end of April is stressed. Failure to receive the sugar on time is causing serious inconvenience to the users. We, therefore, trust that you will look into the matter and let us know when the sugar can be expected. 译文:我们很遗憾必须就第……号10,000吨食糖合同未交货一事提出申诉。上述合同中强调了4月底前交货的重要性,现因不能按时收货使用户感到极大的不便。为此,敦请你公司对这一问题进行了解,并将食糖预计发货时间告我公司。(抱怨) We were surprised to learn from your letter of 30 April that the 10,000 tons of Sugar have not reached you. The sugar was dispatched by rail on 28 April from Guangzhou and should have reached you the same day. We very much regret the delayed delivery and the inconvenience it is causing you. We have already taken up the matter with the railway authorities at this end and as soon as we have any information we will fax you. Meanwhile, may we suggest that you make similar enquiries at your end. 译文:你公司4月30日来函提到10000吨食糖尚未运到,令人诧异。这批食糖系于4月28日由广州铁路发运,应于当日运到你处。 对于到货迟延给你方造成不便,我公司深感遗憾。现已同此间铁路部门进行联系,一俟有了消息,当立即通知你公司。同时,建议你方也在当地进行查询。(申诉回复) We have ten cases of art goods at the above address ready for dispatch to London, and shall be glad if you will arrange for your shipping container to collect them. Each case weighs 40 kgs. As the L/C of our client stipulates that shipment be not later than 8th August, please quote us for a shipping container from Xingang to London before that deadline(最后期限). Your early quotation will be appreciated. 译文:我公司有10箱工艺品(每箱40公斤)在上述地址备妥,准备运往伦敦,不知你公司能否安排海运集装箱来接运。 我客户信用证规定发货/装运不得迟于8月8日。因此,请报在此期限内由新港至伦敦集装箱海运运价,并请尽早报价。(运输询价) The shipping containers we provide are of two sizes, namely 10 ft. and 20ft. long and built


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