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有什么问题? * The bounderies shall be define in term of the characteristics of the buz, the org, its location, assets technology. The policy shall provide framework for establishing objectives * The bounderies shall be define in term of the characteristics of the buz, the org, its location, assets technology. The policy shall provide framework for establishing objectives * * The bounderies shall be define in term of the characteristics of the buz, the org, its location, assets technology. The policy shall provide framework for establishing objectives * Fire, flooding, bioterrorism, energy failure and vehicle… * The bounderies shall be define in term of the characteristics of the buz, the org, its location, assets technology. The policy shall provide framework for establishing objectives *经理 *志强 * * The bounderies shall be define in term of the characteristics of the buz, the org, its location, assets technology. The policy shall provide framework for establishing objectives * The bounderies shall be define in term of the characteristics of the buz, the org, its location, assets technology. The policy shall provide framework for establishing objectives * The bounderies shall be define in term of the characteristics of the buz, the org, its location, assets technology. The policy shall provide framework for establishing objectives 7.6.4:关键控制点的监视系统 Who谁? 负责监控的人必须 受过相关培训 公正的,没有偏见的 专门指定的 7.6.4:关键控制点的监视系统 How如何? 怎样对关键控制限和预防措施进行监控? 观察 测试 7.6.4:关键控制点的监视系统 Where何处? 监控的两种形式 现场监控 非现场监控 7.6.4:关键控制点的监视系统 When何时? 监控频率 连续的 非连续的 7.6.5:监视结果超出关键限值时采取的措施 应在HACCP计划中规定超出关键限值时所采取的策划的纠正和纠正措施 这些措施应确保查明不符合的原因,使关键控制点控制的参数恢复受控,并防止再次发生 为适当地处置潜在不安全产品 ,应建立和保持形成文件的程序, ,以确保对其评价后再放行。 魚骨圖 問題的 果 MATERIAL(因 1) 因 2 ENVIRON- MENT(因 1) 因 2 MAN(因 1) MACHINE(因 1) METHOD(因 1) 因 2 因 2 因 2 因 2 因 3 因 3 因 3 因 4 7.7 预备信息的更新、规定前提方案和HACCP计划文件的更新 制订操作性前提方案和(或)HACCP计划后,必要时,组织应更新如下信息: 产品特性 预期用途 流程图 过程步骤 控制措施 必要时,应对HACCP计划以及描述前提方案的程序和指导 书进行修改。 7.8验证策划 验证活动应确定



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