湖南少年儿童出版社三年级起点小学六年级英语下册:Unit 6 Anne wanted to dance-第一时.ppt

湖南少年儿童出版社三年级起点小学六年级英语下册:Unit 6 Anne wanted to dance-第一时.ppt

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湖南少年儿童出版社三年级起点小学六年级英语下册:Unit 6 Anne wanted to dance-第一时.ppt

第一课时 Unit 6 Anne wanted to dance Brain Storm What’s your hobby? play the piano Brain Storm Can you dance? Can you show us? Please teach us some simple actions. Brain Storm listen to music put your arms out move your legs stand on one foot turn around jump high stand on one foot I wanted to paint a picture yesterday. paint a picture play the piano What did she want to do? She wanted to play the piano. read a story aloud What did he want to do? He wanted to read a story aloud. What did you want to do last weekend? I wanted to fly a kite. A Let’s Listen and Say Lingling was dancing in the dancing room. Anne watched her. Anne wanted to dance like Lingling. “Wow! Lingling! You can dance very well, ” said Anne. “Can you teach me? ” “OK, Anne. I move my hands and legs with the music, ” said Lingling. A Let’s Listen and Say A Let’s Listen and Say “Now, put your arms out like this. Listen to the music and move your legs with the music. It’s easy and fun, ” said Lingling. Anne went to the dance floor and danced with Lingling. She stepped on Lingling’s foot. “I’m sorry! ” said Anne. “It’s OK. Let’s do it again. ” smiled Lingling. A Let’s Listen and Say What was Lingling doing? Lingling was dancing. A Let’s Listen and Say Can Anne dance very well? A Let’s Listen and Say Can Anne dance very well? Why? No, she can’t. She stepped on Lingling’s foot. A Let’s Listen and Say Time (时间) Place (地点) Characters (人物) Reason (原因) How to dance (如何跳舞) Result (结果) One day In the dancing room Lingling and Anne Anne wanted to dance like Lingling. Lingling taught Anne to ... Anne stepped on Lingling’s foot. A Let’s Listen and Say Do you think Anne can dance well at last? Why? Make a new story S1: My brother was playing basketball. I watched him. I wanted to play basketball like him. “Wow, Xiaoming. You can play basketball very well. Can you teach me? ” S2: OK. Dribble the ball like me. Good. Then shoot the ball into the basket. S1: I can’t shoot the ball i



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