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衡量指标-FTT 计算说明FTT Formula .这个百分比计算结果 如果所有单件投入一个制程制造 此每件数都通过过程,计算的结果必定100% . This calculation results in a percentage. if every unit entering a process makes it through the process, the result of the calculation would be 100% 衡量指标-FTT 计算说明FTT Formula .驱动使FTT鎖进100% 必须降低报废,返工,重试,退回.或差异在线外修理区,如果这些项目能被降下--- FTT将会提升 To move the FTT measurable closer to 100%,the number of units that are scraped, return, retested, returned, or diverted into an off-line repair area must be reduced. If any of these items can be lowered, the FTT will improve FTT (by operation)单作业 Units entering process-(scrap+returns+repaired off-line+ returns ) 投入件数 Units Entering 1000 报废数 Scrap 10 重制数 Reruns 15 重试数 Retest 5 线外修理 Repair Offline 0 FTT%= FTT%= FTT%= 97.0% Units entering process 1000-(10+15+5+0) 1000 970 1000 FTT (by operation) Units entering process-(scrap+returns+repaired off-line+ returns ) Units Entering=1000 Scrap =10 Reruns =15 Retest =5 Repair Offline =0 FTT%= FTT%= FTT%= 97.0% Units entering process 1000-(10+15+5+0) 1000 970 1000 FTT Multiple Operation Calculation Example FTT (operation 1) = 92.87% FTT (operation 2) = 87.65% FTT (operation 3) = 65.98% Final Inspection (Operation 4) = 82.34% Total FTT% = (.9278 x .8765 x .6598 x .8234) Total FTT% = (44.22%) 复合作业FTT计算例 FTT Multiple Operation Calculation Example FTT (作业 1) = 0.9287 FTT (作业 2) = 0.8765 FTT (作业 3) = 0.6598 FTT (作业 4) 完成检查 = 0.8234 Total FTT% = (.9278 x .8765 x .6598 x .8234) Total FTT% = 44.22% 衡量指标-FTT FTT首次合格率 .返工与修理为生产效率隐藏的杀手 .隐藏效率将误导管理 .计算TACK TIME 必须 确实澄清 衡量指标-FTT 如果能提升产品通过生产线不用返工修理的百分比 .顾客将快速接受产品 .产品总体品质将提升 .顾客满意度-顾客忠诚度 If we can increase the percentage of


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