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Competition and Cooperation, which is more indispensable? Competition and cooperation, which is more valuable in our life? This is an everlasting hot topic almost no person can avoid discussing on his way to success. Generally speaking, different people tend to give different responses. Some people hold cooperation is of greater value to our success, while some others often claim competition ought to be highly stressed.(首先层现两种观点)As far as I am concerned, to a greater extent,more importance is supposed to be attached to the former for the following reasons.(提出论点句) (8个短语) First of all(启), with cooperation, we can of course avoid doing the repetitive work to help us save a lot of precious time to take up more important jobs and thus improve our work efficiency. In this sense, we can follow time and tide. In reality, with cooperation, we will have an easy access to learning more from others in that only through cooperation will we be able to learn different people tend to have different wisdoms and talents. In this case, we will become more and more modest and show reverence to others. What’s more(承), with cooperation, we can often easily and quickly come up with solutions to solve the problems surpassing our expectations. After all, three cobblers outwit Zhu Geliang, a very highly intelligent person in ancient Chinese history. Just as a proverb goes, two heads are better than one. Obviously, with cooperation, we will be able to achieve more and more successes and finally develop our confidence. In brief, Cooperation can benefit us a great deal.(10个短语) By contrast(转,从反面对比说明没有合作的危害),without cooperation,everything will be different. Without cooperation, we will have to be engaged in much repetitive work on many occasions. In this case, we can not but waste lots of precious time. Without cooperation, more often than not, we will not be able to overcome many possible difficulties because without cooperation no one will come to give us a hand. In this case, we will become


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