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复 旦 复 旦 大 学 硕 士学 位 论 文 上 海 城 市 地 温 的 遥 感 反 演 及 气 温 拟 合 研 宄 R esearch on Interp retin g L an d S u rface T em p eratu re an d F ittin g A ir T em p eratu re fro m R em ote S en sin g in S h ang h ai A b s t r a c t W ith th e dev elop m en t of city econom y an d urb an ex p an sion , the th erm al env iro nm ent ch an ge, rep resen ted by u rb an h eat islan d (U H I) effect,is b eco m in g an in fluential factor of the city env iron m en t.C h in a, as the largest dev elop ing co un try , is exp eriencing rapid urb an izatio n R esearch ing sp atial-tem p o ral evo lv em ent of th erm al env iron m ent in th e cities, estab lishin g th e protection an d im p rov em en t plan for h igh tem perature con d ition in cities h av e already b ecom e critical task s. Sh an g h ai is a ty pical in tern atio n al m etro p o lis by h igh lev el urb an izatio n and h igh p op u lation d en sity R esearch ing th e ch aracteristics an d its evolv em en t of U H I in S h an gh ai w ill prov ide tech n ical suppo rts fo r im p ro ving th e liv in g en v iro n m en t, th e u rb an plan ning an d lan d u se p lan n in g In th is p ap er, th e tem p o ral an d sp atial v ariation s o f S h an gh ai in last d ecad e are researched by interp retin g su rface th erm al field from th e L and sat im ag es T h e air tem peratu re is fitted fro m M O D IS im ag es an d th e m easu red d ata o f w eath er statio n s so th at sp ecific spatial distrib ution of air th erm al field can b e g ot an d th e sp atial d istrib u tio n o f a ir th e rm a l fie ld a n d stru c tu ra l c h a ra c te ristic s o f U H I c an b e re s e a rc h e d In th e en d ,th e su rface th erm al field an d th e air th erm al field o f Sh an gh ai are co m p ared to disscuss th e sim ilarities and d ifferen ces o f U H I fo rm b etw een th em T h e results sho w th at th e area o f h igh tem p erature ex periences a pro cess of in creasing ,d ecreasin g an d m ulti-cen ter dist


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