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Section One Reading and Writing Narrative Stories Unit 1 Love Stories Text A Appointment with Love Language Points Six minutes to six, said the great round clock over the information booth in Grand Central Station. (Para. 1) Meaning: The great round clock over the information booth in Grand Central Station indicated that it was six minutes to six. said: to give particular information or instructions Example: The notice said “keep out”. …his eyes narrowed to note the exact time. (Para.1) Meaning: He narrowed his eyes, in order to take a closer look at the exact time. note: to notice or pay careful attention to something Example: Please note that the office will be closed on Sunday. …sustained him unfailingly (Para.1) Meaning: (The woman’s written words) always supported him. He placed himself as close as he could to the information booth, just beyond the ring of people besieging the clerks. (Para.2) Meaning: He tried his best to get closer to the information booth, just at the edge of a circle of people surrounding the clerks. His face grew sharp. (Para.5) Meaning: His face gradually showed a sign of nervousness and vigilance. He had got hold of a New York City telephone book and found her address. (Para.7) Meaning: He had found a New York City telephone book and got her address on it. get hold of something: to find something that you want or need Example: It is almost impossible to get hold of tickets for the concert. Next day he had been shipped out, but they had gone on writing. (Para.7) Meaning: Next day he had left the country by boat, but they had continued to write to each other. ship out: to leave a country by boat Example: He told Linda he was shipping out in two days. I’d always be haunted by the feeling that you had been taking a chance on just that, … (Para.9) Meaning: The thought that you had decided to write to me only because I was beautiful would continuously bother me. take a chance (on something): to gamble t



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