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THE THE VALUE OF CHINESE EXPERIMENTAL INDEPENDENT ANIMATION Student-Chen Qin SuperisorSun Zhe Abstract:1kou曲the analysis for‘experimental independent animation’type,this pape‘ did systern research the history of experimental independent animation and the experimental results of Chinese contemporary independent animation order to emphasis its value to be reckoned in Chinese contemporary animation works. The thesis includes 6 chapters which have a more in—depth study the concept and value of experimental independent,systematically presenting the significance and current situation of subject research.Chapter t illustrates the signifinance and goal of the proiect,research present situation and the innovation point.Chapter 2 illustrates the concept o士 exDerimental independent animation.The third chapter focuses on analysis ot the develoDment history and state of experimental independent alllmat|on at home and aboard, and introduces the types of centralized experiments.Chapter 4 discusses commercial Values, social values,aesthetic values of experimental independent arnmatlon and Its valHe ot animation education in universities.Chapter 5 carries out prospect the future deveIopment trend of experimental independent animation.Chapter 6 the paper gave a conclusion and prospect for me research work..In t}le end attempt practice design fo。 experimental independent animation. The mnoⅦlion of the author is to explain the concept of ‘experimental independent mation’.study the commercial values,aesthetic values,social values of experimental indepen dent animation and the value of animation education in universities,and enrich the theoretical llierarchv of animation research.It brings the implications to Chinese contemporary antmatlo art creation and animation education from the value of experimental independent anlmatlon· It mainlv discusses the architecture and principle of how to transform experimental outcome mo Drodu(嫡vity and the thinkingmethod required to cultivate original



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