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今天看到的你的下列症状都可能与吸烟有关 咳嗽和粘痰产生 呼吸短促 脸色差 胃痛 食欲下降等 劝有症状吸烟者戒烟的方法 对您来讲,现在这一年龄戒烟比较容易 吸烟使您的呼吸和衣服的味道很不好闻,而且使 牙齿变黄 吸烟还要花钱 吸烟不再被社会所接受 劝年轻人的戒烟方法 吸烟可以减轻胎儿体重 吸烟可以导致流产、早产或死胎 吸烟可以增加婴儿猝死综合征发生的危险 劝怀孕的戒烟方法 吸烟能促发呼吸道感染 吸烟为您的孩子树立了一个不良榜样 停止吸烟有助于您家庭成员健康状态的改善 劝有孩子的戒烟方法 即使在您这个年龄,戒烟也可以减少发生缺血性 心脏病、癌症等病症的危险 如果您戒烟,您呼吸中的烟草味道将会消失,这 样您的孙子就会更愿意和您玩 劝老年人戒烟的方法 吸烟刺激皮肤,使皱纹增加 吸烟可以加速骨质疏松症 吸烟可以引起不孕 劝女性戒烟的方法 共 勉 * * * The MPOWER Package * The tobacco epidemic will cause the most harm to low-income and moderate-income countries with high population The tobacco industry is expanding its advertising, marketing and promotion to the developing world to capture these growing millions of potential customers Tobacco use is growing fastest in these countries, fueled by steady population growth. This will create a ‘perfect storm’ of future tobacco-related disease and death Because developing countries are still in the early stages of the tobacco epidemic, they have yet to experience the full impact of tobacco-related disease and death already evident in wealthier countries where tobacco use has been common for much of the past century Many of these countries have fewer resources to respond to the health, social and economic problems caused by tobacco use, which will exacerbate the tobacco epidemic’s impacts Tobacco-related disease and death will hit these countries very hard in the coming decades * * * * * * 解释:由于吸烟者长期吸用过滤嘴烟,过滤嘴能过滤掉易沉积于大支气管上的烟雾中大的粒子,使易发生鳞癌的大支气管部位上大粒子的沉积量减少。但吸过滤嘴烟吸入的尼古丁水平低,由于需要代偿性地吸入尼古丁,迫使吸的深度加深,从而使烟雾深入到达腺癌常发生的肺周围区。 * * aAt rest in the last 12 months. bRelationship between attacks of breathlessness and smoking. cSeverity score for asthma was established using an a priori decisional tree.dStrength of the relationship between severity score and smoking.The 3 classes were coded 1, 2, and 3 for quantitative analysis. Severity score was adjusted for age, sex, and educational level. Key Point Smoking increases asthma severity. Siroux et al evaluated the smoking h


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