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AbstractJn Abstract Jn the context of the national strategy to promote erle理黟conservation.11ew emrgy vehicles will become an important development direction of the触ure of t11e automotlVe 1ndustry·May 20 1 4,in order to speed up the development of new ener胛 Ve上lICles,the government of the inner Mongolia autonomous region a11Ilomlced the lnVes缸11ent a11d construction of new energy vehicles and the specific meaSures for me suppon of the project·As the main body of market competition of Baotou new energ),automobile sales and Service Co.,Ltd.is developed from single en娜rise sales area of the new energy automobile enterprises,ent唧rise extcmal economic enVlrolullentIntereal environment,industry environment have taken place in the profound changes·In the face of new energy vehicles,new market,how t0 seize t11e opp0咖11t),to develop,market opportunities,has become a m句or issue to be fesolVed m the management of the company.Therefore, Strengtllen market enVlro胁ent analysis,scientific positioning of the companyts m破et s仃ategy,the comp觚y further consummates the enterprise development s吲egy and corporate govemance stmc饥鹏,to promote‘the implementation of the strategy and raise the leVeJ 0士 management-promote enterprise development,has a ve巧 importallt significance. This paper takes Baotou Baozun new energy automobile salesService Co— the company。s Intemal and external environment according to enterprise strategic m锄gement th∞ry as a guide,combined with the new energy vehicle market enVlro砌ent changes,analyze the company’-competitive ability.Firstly,the theory a11d practlce of combining the idea,using the PEST analysis method,analysis of policy enVlronnlent,economic environment,social cultural enviroI珊ent,scientific and technological environment from a macro perspective.Secondly,according to the company。s c岍ent organizational structure,from the market operation,transpo眦ion management,saleS customer service operations and customer service operations in tour aspectS the analysis



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