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品质审核系统3.0 ©版權所有, 未經授權不得使用及出版 2013-1-28 审核结果表 ©版權所有, 未經授權不得使用及出版 2013-1-28 1 Quality System Audit Summary Report SQE Audit Comments in following Strong Point: Weak Point: ©版權所有, 未經授權不得使用及出版 2013-1-28 2 Audit Details Introduction : 1: Quality System Requirement 1.1 Has the supplier defined and documented its corporate quality policy? 供應商是否有定義及文件化公司品質政策? 1.2 (a) Is the Quality Policy appropriate to the purpose of the organization? 品質政策同組織的目的是否適合? 1.3 (b) Does the Quality Policy include a commitment to comply with requirements and continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system? 品質政策是否包括公司承諾和持續不斷改善品質管理系統成效? 1.4 (c) Does the Quality Policy provide a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives? 品質政策是否為建立和審查品質目標提供了依據? 1.5 (d) Is the Quality Policy communicated and understood within the organization? 品質政策是否在組織內得到交流和理解? 1.6 (e) Is the Quality Policy reviewed for continuing suitability? 是否審查品質政策的持續適宜性? 1.7 Are quantifiable and measurable quality objectives, including those to meet requirements for product, established at relevant functions and levels within the organization? 在組織內部相關的職責和標準方面,是否建立包括符合產品要求在內的可量化的品質目標? 1.8 Are the quality objectives consistent with the corporate quality policy? 品質目標是否和公司的品質政策相一致? 1.9 Does the quality management system documentation include a quality manual? 品質管理系統文件是否包括品質手冊? ©版權所有, 未經授權不得使用及出版 2013-1-28 3 Audit Details Introduction : 1: Quality System Requirement 1.10 Does the quality manual include the scop


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