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燃烧系统改进论文:低 NOx 切向燃烧系统的改造及性 能优化试验 摘 要:针对某电厂将亚临界直流锅炉改为亚临界控制 循环锅炉,对燃烧器进行了相关改造,研究分析了燃烧器改造 前、后机组运行的变化,并根据改造前、后的机组运行结果进 行了改变省煤器出口氧量、改变二次风配风方式和改变 SOFA 风风门开度等试验.结果表明:机组在 300 MW 负荷下, 宜采用较高的运行氧量,二次风宜采用均布配风方式,SOFA 风风门宜全开以及在燃烧器布置时,底层起转二次风的偏转 角与位置需与一次风的假象切圆大小相配合等.同时,对机组 运行存在的塌焦现象进行了初步分析,并提出了相关解决方 案. 关键词:亚临界直流锅炉;亚临界控制循环锅炉;改造;低 NOx 切向燃烧系统;燃烧优化;飞灰含碳量;塌焦 Retrofit and Performance Optimization Test of the Low NOx Tangential Firing System Abstract:The subcritical once-through boiler was retrofitted into a controlled circulating boiler in certain power plant, and correlative retrofit was also performed to the burners. The operational variation of the unit before and after retrofit of the burners was studied and analyzed. Based on the operational results be-fore and after retrofit, some tests were conducted, such as changing the oxygen content at 1 the exit of the economizer, changing the mode of secon-dary air distribution and changing the opening of the SOFA damp-er. Results show that under the load of 300 MW, the unit should adopt higher oxygen content, the second-ary air should take uniform air distribution mode, and the SOFA damper should be completely opened. For the arrangement of the burners, the deflection angle and position of the bottom layer secondary air should be matched with the size of the imagined tangential circle of the primary air. Primary analysis was carried out for the slagging phenomena of the unit during operation, and correlative countermeasures were presen-ted. Key words:subcritical once-through boiler; subcritical controlled circulating boiler; retrofit;


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