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安徽农业大学学报, 2018, 45(5): 958-965 Journal of Anhui Agricultural University [DOI] 10.13610/ki.1672-352x019 网络出版时间:2018/10/25 9:15:00 [URL] /kcms/detail/34.1162.S1635.038.html 基于组合近似模型的分体式插秧机秧箱轻量化设计 * 储婷婷,朱德泉 ,马 锦,张 俊,张 顺,蒋 锐 (安徽农业大学工学院,合肥 230036) 摘 要:为了解决插秧机秧箱质量过重影响机器工作稳定性和作业质量等问题,以可调行距高速插秧机分体式秧 箱为研究对象,建立其有限元模型,对秧箱进行了静动态性能分析。根据有限元分析结果,采用最优拉丁超立方试验 设计和组合近似模型相结合的优化设计方法,以刚度和模态作为约束条件,以质量作为优化目标,建立轻量化设计的 数学模型,采用粒子群优化算法进行了求解。优化结果显示,秧箱质量由优化前的 14.6 kg 下降到13.2 kg,减轻了9.59%。 根据轻量化设计结果对秧箱进行了结构改进,并进行了仿真验证,结果表明改进后的秧箱刚度分布更加均匀,弯曲刚 度、扭转刚度和一阶固有频率等性能指标均有不同程度的提高,为轻量化秧箱产品研发提供了理论依据。 关键词:组合近似模型;轻量化设计;最优拉丁超立方试验设计;分体式秧箱 中图分类号:S223.911 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672352X (2018)05095808 Lightweight designs of split seedling box of rice transplanter based on ensemble approximate model CHU Tingting, ZHU Dequan, MA Jin, ZHANG Jun, ZHANG Shun, JIANG Rui (School of Engineering, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036) Abstract: In order to solve the problem of the effect of heavy weight on the stability and working quality of the machine, a static and dynamic performance analysis based on the establishment of finite element mode on split seedling box of adjustable row spacing high speed transplanter was carried out. According to the results of finite element analysis, a mathematical model of lightweight design was established with stiffness and mode as con- straints, quality as the optimization goal by using the combined method of optimal Latin hypercube design and ensemble approximate model, which was solved by particle swarm optimization algorithm. The optimization re- sults indicated that the quality of the seedling box decreased by 9.59% from 14.6 kg to 13.2 kg. Accor


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