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股权结构、公司治理和公司现金持有行为研究 a b 孙艳梅 汪昌云 a b (对外经济贸易大学金融学院应用金融研究中心 中国人民大学财政金融学院) 作者简介: 汪昌云,经济学博士(伦敦大学),现为中国人民大学财政金融学院教授。在《Journal of banking and Finance》、《Journal of Futures Markets》等期刊上发表多篇论文。 孙艳梅,经济学博士,现为对外经济贸易大学金融学院讲师。 通信地址:对外经济贸易大学 博学楼 金融学院 920 联系方式 0 10 E-mail :sunmeimei2005@ 摘要:本文以2003-2008年中国A股市场非金融类公司为研究样本,考察了不同控股股 东所有权性质对上市公司现金持有行为的影响及起作用的路径。研究发现:一方面,控股 股东的国家所有权性质有助于缓解信息不对称带来的融资约束,显著降低了企业现金持有 水平,其对外部融资的敏感性随控股股东的政治干预能力的增强而降低,这一优势在货币 政策环境变化时更为明显,并随着政府干预能力的增强作用增大。但另一方面,国有企业 的代理链条过长和所有者缺位加剧了企业的代理冲突,显著损害了上市公司现金持有的市 场价值,地方政府控制企业的代理问题最为严重。好的公司治理机制有效地降低了所有权 性质的代理成本,但作用有限。因此,国家所有权性质虽有助于解决信息不对称,但其过 高的代理成本对于公司价值的损害说明国有企业的改革仍然任重道远。 关键词:公司治理;现金持有;市场价值;所有权性质 State Ownership, Corporate Governance and Cash Holding Behaviors Yanmei SUNa , Changyun WANGb (a School of Banking and Finance; University of International Business and Economics, b School of Finance, Renmin University of China Beijing 100872) Abstract: Using a sample of Chinese listed non-financial companies during 2003 to 2008, this paper investigates the impact and path of state ownership structure taking effects on the cash holding behaviors. The results show that that, the state ownership reduce the financial constraints arising from the asymmetric information problems between firms and bank, and then the level of cash holding comparing to non-state owned firms, which is more prominent during the period of change of monetary policy. Its sensitivity to financial constraints reduced with the ab ility of its shareholder ’s politician intervention ability. However, as to the market value of cash holdings in the listed corporate in China, we show that market value of cash holdings is less than book value in the state


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