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* 3. 路径—目标理论 情境因素 领导者行为 (指导型、支持型、参与型、成就导向型) 环境的权变因素 (任务结构、权力系统) 下属的权变因素 (控制点、经验、能力) 效果 绩效 满意 领导者成功因素排序 题目:做一个成功的领导者,可能取决于很多的因素,比如: 善于鼓舞人????????????????能充分发挥下属优势 处事公正????????????????? ?能坚持原则又不失灵活性 办事能力强??????????????? 幽默 独立有主见??????????????? 言谈举止有风度 有亲和力????????????????? ?有威严感 善于沟通????????????????? ?熟悉业务知识 善于化解人际冲突?????有明确的目标 能通观全局?????????????? ?有决断力 请你分别从上面所列的因素中选出一个你认为最重要和最不重要的因素。 首先,给你5分钟时间考虑,然后将答案写在纸上,亮出来。 接下来,你们几位用30分钟时间就这一问题进行讨论,并在结束时拿出一个一致性的意见,即得出一个你们共同认为最重要和最不重要的因素。 然后,派出一个代表来汇报你们的意见,并阐述你们作出这种选择的原因。 * The managerial grid depicts a manager’s “concern for people” and “concern for production” on separate axes. The grid has nine possible positions along each axis, creating eighty-one positions in which a leader’s style may fall. Proponents of this two-dimensional view focus on the extremes of the grid and claim that effective leaders use a (9,9) management style: that is, work accomplished from committed people and interdependence through a “common style” in organization purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect. The extreme styles are as follows: (1,9) Management. Thoughtful attention to needs of people for satisfying relationship leads to a comfortable, friendly atmosphere and work tempo. (9,1) Management. Efficiency in operations results from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree. (1,1) Management. Exertion of minimum effort to get required work done is appropriate to sustain organization membership. (5,5) Management. Adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get out work with maintaining morale of people at at satisfactory level. Recent research has revealed a third effective leadership style: development-oriented behavior characterized by experimentation, innovative problem solving, and encouraging change. Because evidence is mixed on the relationship between leadership style and group effectiveness, we cannot generalize across a variety of workers, jo



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