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Computer Engineering and Applications 计算机工程与应用 2015 ,51(24 ) 227 地铁列车制动力再分配优化控制研究 朱琴跃,王景熙,申朝旭,谭喜堂 ZHU Qinyue, WANG Jingxi, SHEN Zhaoxu, TAN Xitang 同济大学 电子与信息工程学院,上海 201804 School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China ZHU Qinyue, WANG Jingxi, SHEN Zhaoxu, et al. Research on optimization control of braking force further distri- bution for subway train. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2015, 51 (24 ):227-231. Abstract: For the problem that the electro-pneumatic braking force distribution strategy of existing subway trains hasn ’t fully considered the different demands of braking force applied to different train axles, the optimization control algorithm of the further distribution of braking force on different train axles is presented. On analysis of electro-pneumatic cooperative control strategy of electric brake priority for the basic control unit making up of 2 motor cars and 1 trailer car in the certain Beijing subway train, the optimization algorithm based on the axle load transfer is put forward, which proposes that the braking force is applied proportionally to different train axles in terms of the pressures withstood by their corresponding wheel pairs. By using Matlab/Simulink software to model and simulate above algorithm, the braking force distribution and changes under different braking conditions are analyzed. The results show that the braking force further distribution optimization strategy which is based on the axle load transfer helps to improve the anti-slip property and stable braking effect. And the expected result has been achieved. Key words: subway train; electro-pneumatic cooperative control; braking force further distribution; optimization control; axle load transfer 摘 要:针对现有地铁列车在电- 空制动力分配控制策略中没有充分考虑各轴应施加制动力存在差异的问题,对制 动力再分配优化控制算法进行了研究。在对电制动优先的电- 空制动力协调分配算法进行分析的基础上,以北京某 地铁列车中2 动1拖基本制动单元为研究对象,基于轴重转移原则,提出了根据各轮对所承受压力的大小按


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