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* The backbone of the scheme is the Competency Ladder. The bulk of the slaes population will be in level1 to 4 and 4 is the Sales Professional level which every Sales should aspire to be. Progression from 1 to 4 is through attainment of relevant competency degree of ability , not job tied. Progression from 4 to5 is through both competency and available quota (not job tied) for level 5. 5 is the preparatory level and from here it either branches to sales managerial role or key account management. Progression from 5 to8 is through both attainment of competency and available vacancy.It is to be noted that the no. of level and vacancy in each level is dependent on situation in each OU. * There are 12 competencies articulated by the Group for commercial salesforce which are broadly banded into knowledge,skills and behaviour types. In phase one, we talked about the 12 in a broad sense. The details of each are now available in the Sales Competency Booklet. Within each competency, there are various degree of ability to be achieved for each level of the Ladder.For instance in level 4, Sales Professional, the degree of ability to be achieved for each competency is (refer to next chart). * The general entry standard on degree of ability for level 4 (Sales Professional) is at the “can do” stage because Sales Professional are supposed to be independent. The exceptions are in areas to do with supervisory roles (like coaching) or with team managment. This is therefore the profile we expect of Sales Professional in Shell commercial. 訓練體系規劃(工作表) 區分 OFF-JT OJT SDP 高階 管理 13級以上 中階管理 12等級 11等級 10等級 9等級 8等級 基層管理 7等級 6等級 5等級 一般職 4等級 3等級 2等級 1等級 培训课程三明治体系设计 核心能力课程 新员工入职培训 销 售 管 理 系 列 市 场 营 销 系 列 财 务 管 理 系 列 人 力 资 源 系 列 客 户 服 务 系 列 行 政 管 理 系 列 技 术 开 发 系 列 生 产 作 业 管 理 物 流 管 理 系 列 中、高级经理者培训 初级经理人培训 决策者与领导者课程 管理技能 基本技能 岗位技能 基層主管訓練藍圖 第一階段 (一年內) 第二階段 ( 一年以上 ) 業務技能 A11 新任主管之角色任務 3H A12 成本意識 3H A13 基本管理技能 6H A14 目標管理與績效考核 3H A15 人力資源管理


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