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食物对安特尔? Testocaps? 生物利用度的影响 结论: 十一酸睾酮,安特尔? Testocaps ? 的有效成分,在空腹状态下吸收较差1 与膳食一起服用安特尔? Testocaps ? 能显著加强睾酮的生物利用度1 安特尔? Testocaps ? 的有效吸收只需要19克脂质 (一顿普通的西方食谱所含脂质为80-120克/天)1,2 高脂膳食不会进一步增加安特尔? Testocaps? 安特尔? Testocaps ? 必须在正常用餐后服用,以确保其有效吸收1 1Bagchus et al. 2003; 2Charman, 2000 小结:中药联合安特尔治疗男性疾病 精于中医药 巧于配合西药 善于研究、思考、总结 青春期发育延迟 男性不育症 ED、性欲低下 LOH(PADAM) Marketing Diagram Add Your Text Add Your Text Add Your Text Add Your Text Add Your Text Text Text Text Text Text 谢谢! * (活泼高亢的语调) 对于特发性男性不育,2010年欧洲泌尿外科学会男性不育指南明确指出:卵泡刺激素、抗雌激素联合睾酮治疗可以获益。 刚才我们谈到特发性男性不育主要表现为精子异常,那么睾酮究竟与精子之间有着什么样的关系呢? 测试题目重点:2010年欧洲泌尿外科学会男性不育指南明确指出:卵泡刺激素、抗雌激素联合睾酮治疗可以获益。 * Demographic: no differences between the groups were found except for the types of ED. Retrograde ejaculation Ejaculation tarda Decreased libido In 84 of the patients (70%) previously not responding to Viagra alone, the combined therapy resulted in the satisfactory increase of sexual functioning and in a significant increase in the IIEF. After discontinuation of Andriol, recurrence of ED was observed after 2 weeks in 100/120 patients. * * Historically,it has been always recognized that androgens play in maintaining sexual activity was thought to be via it role mainly on sexual interest. But with accumulating evidence both animals and humans to androgen’s local effects: Animal studies showed that expression of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) gene inside the penis depends on the presence of adequate androgen levels (Penson et al. 1996, Mills Lewis 1999; mills et al. 1999) Castration may also affect PDE5 gene expression (Traish et al. 1999) In humans, it has been observed that the efficacy of erectile dysfunction (ED) therapy with PDE5 inhibitors (PDE5i) may be blunted in patients with subclinical hypogonadism in whom androgen levels have not been previously normalized (Guay et al. 2001) In general, evidence indicate that testosterone is involved in the maintenance of sexual activity at multiple sites (Anderson et al. 1992) and that adequate blood


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