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Unit4 How do you get to school? (Section A) 知识目标: 1.能够正确使用使用动词结构和介词结构表达出行方式。(重点) 能力目标: 2在小组活动交流中提高综合语言运用能力及合作能力。(难点) 情感态度目标: 尽量选择对社会、环境有益的出行方式,做一个有责任的人。 教学过程: Step1lead in 1.chant Play the chant how do you get there? T: How does the boy get to the zoo?/ the park? Then guide Ss to say he gets to the zoo by subway./he gets to the park by bike.(引出课题) today we’ll learn talk about how to get places. Unit4 how do you get to school? 2.talk about where they went on national day. T: where did you do on the vacation? Ss: I went to… T: On vacation, I went to An Yang. Here are some of my photos .I visit the words museum and some parks.. Guess: How did I get to An Yang? it’s in the north of Henan province. Ss: Did you get there by…? T: Thank you boys and girls, your guessing are very good. actually, I went there by train. 3.Show Ss the means of transportation on the screen. 4.T: As Ss of you ,I think the most important way of travel in your life is between your home and school. How do you get to school,can you tell me? Ss: on foot(your home is very near , you like exercise, right?) Step2listening T: A lot of Ss around the world go to school every day on weekdays. How do they get to school, do you want to know that? play the recording of 1a and first ask Ss number the picture, then fill in the chart. check the answer. Tell me your answer, remember your hands step 3.presntaion 1.look at the chart carefully. Bob get to school by train. by what kind of words it is? Yes ,it’s preposition.in Chinese 介词. Now we have a new structure. Bob takes the subway to school. Take what kind of words it is? It’s verb. Look at this new structure. Attention, please. Look at by between train, is there a word between them? No . now how about take and train, is there a word between them? Yes, the. sometimes we say takes a train. 2.can you answer my question, how do you get to school? Use this structure. Ss: I ride a bike to school. / I drive to school / take the bus … 3. compare the tw


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