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* 正确的观念一 * 针对“漏洞”的威胁防范 利用漏洞签名防范漏洞攻击 -各漏洞可能遭受大量攻击 可探测到1400多种漏洞 自2004年起的关注要点: “关键性”与“高发” 针对病毒的威胁防范 基于串流的扫描技术即意味着高性能 可探测到70,000多种病毒 针对间谍软件的威胁防范 下载内容与phone home流量 可探测到2000多种类型的间谍软件 * * * 5 This slide is designed to help illustrate the trend towards financially driven malware. More slides that detail specific malware statistics can be found on the sales presentation one-stop shop. Evolution of threats from high- to low-profile Malware was originally about creating headlines and notoriety, so threats were noisy and visible. The writers intended to maximize the physical evidence of their efforts and would randomly hit anywhere that they could. To gain notoriety, the more systems that crashed, the better. More high-profile payload meant more headlines, which in turn boosted egos. There was no real target and the threat was random. Driven by criminals motivated by financial gain Today, the threat is very different. Malware is now big business for criminal gangs. So making a noise is certainly not a priority. The goal is to sneak in silently, steal money or data that could be valuable and leave the scene undisturbed – showing no signs of an offense having taken place. People do not necessarily realize that the stereotypical virus writer is no longer a teenager working alone in the basement, or that malware is unlikely to do something that they can see. Yesterday’s assumption “Nothing happened when I went to that website – so my PC must still be OK then” is still much in evidence – but the reality is very different. New threats are constantly evolving through exploitation of operating system vulnerabilities, network worms, blended spam and virus threats, phishing attacks, denial of service, and directory harvest attacks. Spammers and hackers are using more innovative techniques and virus writers are becoming more financially driven. Spam and virus writers are also joining forces to ensure delivery of spam messages across organisations. As the commercial profitability in cr


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