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硕士学位论文间接渠道旅游广告也存在一些问题,主要体现在:广告宣传力度 硕士学位论文 间接渠道旅游广告也存在一些问题,主要体现在:广告宣传力度 小,对间接渠道宣传重视不够;广告提前量小,忽视间接渠道的特征; 广告缺乏创意,忽视通过间接渠道树立品牌形象;产品差异化小,未 针对间接渠道进行广告宣传;沟通渠道有限,不方便旅游企业间的信 息沟通。 对此,提出相应的对策建议:重视间接渠道的旅游广告宣传,加 大广告资金投入;注重整体营销与专业媒体选择,把握有利宣传时机; 重视旅游企业品牌与形象塑造,.实现商誉的范围经济;注意产品差异 化与产品柔性宣传,提高广告针对性;积极开展旅游组织间的联合营 销,实现规模效应。 关键词:间接渠道;旅游广告;旅游生产商;旅游中间商 间接渠道营销的旅游广告研究Abstl.act 间接渠道营销的旅游广告研究 Abstl.act Due to tourism product’s intangibility;perishalbility;simultaneity of production and consumption,tourism ente叩rises have to present tourism products’infbmation to the custonlers instead of displaying the products directly in shops as industrial products.AdVertising is a useful tool to deliVef the tourism products’info珊ation. People always pay much attention to a(1VenisiIlg in me direct channel to the end userbut neglect adVertising between tourism‘suppliers and i11te加∞diaries in the indi把ct marketing channel.Actually the eme唱ence of intemediaries in tourism industry is ineVit£Ible and ef£ective because it enla玛ed the scope and scale of the market.7nms the adVertising iIl iIldirect ChaIlIlel is Vitally important. The communication pattem of adVertising in indirect channel is bi-directional and Variable.nere are advertisements not only be帆een tourism supplier group and intermedia巧group,but also within individu赳 groups.Advenising in indirect channel and those in direct Channel have soIne Common铲ounds but also many di骶renCes.1lle common grounds are: both adVertisements should lay stress on image and brand, uniqueness and differenCe, frequency and intensity. Difl’erences are mainly shown in mese aspects: adVertiser, accepter, media, time, pu印ose,emphases and the way of promotion. AdVertising strategies in indirect channel are summarized as follow: Firstlyj adVenising strategies in indirect channel should cooperate with strategies in direct channel under the frame of the whole marketing strategy.Secondly,choose the proper time and professional media to meet the need of channel members.Thirdly;adVertise



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