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2017年中考英语作文复习指导及范文 收集以下中考常考话题作文的好句子,希望对积极备 考的学生们,有所帮助。 1、环保 It,sourdutytoprotectourenvironment。 2.Itisveryimportanttotakecareofourenvironment Weshouldnotthrowlitterontotheground Weshouldnotspitinapu blicplace/cu tdownthetree s Weshoul dplantmoref 1 owersandtree s。 Wemust pickupsomeru bbishandthro witintoadust bin 7.Ifeve ryonemakesco ntributionto protectingth eenvironment heworldwil lbecomemuchm orebeautiful 。 2、旅游 Las tSunday(Satu rday, ???),itwa ssunny (rainy , windy, foggy ,) 2.I^otup veryearly (la te).Afterbre akfastlwentt o?--withrnyfrie ndsbybike, bu s,??? Weenj oyedourselve s。 Weforg otthetime?We didn tcomeba ckuntil5o cl ocko Weal lfeltverytir ed, butwewere happyo It houghtlwould neverforgett histripo Lastsummer, m yparentsandl wenttoBeijin gforourholid ays。 Wevi sit edal otofp lacesof inter est o Weha dagoodtimeth ere。 Web oughtalotoft hings. Theclo oodandcheapo 3、比赛 Last Sunday, Class Onehadafootb ClassTwoo 2 . Allofuswent towatchito Thematchwa sveryexcitin g。 Infact , Ihavenevers eensuchanexc fore0 The scorewas5-3? Ourteamscore thesherearegallmatchwithitingmatchbedthreegoalsinthelastfift eenminuteso theshereareg allmatchwith itingmatchbe dthreegoalsi ClassOnew onthismatch. ClassTwolost。 ClassOn eplayedwell. Theydeserved to win。 Th eirPEteacher wasverypleas edwiththeirp erformanceo 4、健康 Itisv eryimportant tokeephealth yo Howcan wekeephealth y? Wecan, tgotosleepto olate.Wecan, tgetuptoolat e。 Weshou ldeatthefood healthily。 Weshoulddo moreexercise。 LastTue sdaylgotacol dandhadapain inmyheado 7 ? Ididn,tfeel likeeatingan ythingo 8. I decidedtosee thedoctor0 9.Inthedocto r, soffice, th edoctorlooks overmecarefu llyo 10. Hes aid:quot;Not hingserious? quot;Andheto ldmetotakear estanddrinkm orewater0 1 1.Anursegave meaninjectio n. Itwasalitt lepainfulo 12.Thedoctor askedmetotak ethemedicine threetimesad ayo 13. Afew dayslater, If eltbetter?Ft omthenonlbel ievethatkeep ingheaIthyis themostimpor tantthingint heworldo 5、学科 Myfavori tesubjectisE nglisho M orethanthr


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