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word格式.整理版 word格式.整理版 随着网络时代的到来,互联网的触角已经深入到中国的每一个角落。在网络化的同时,有关网络信息安全的问题也日益突出。绝大多数的企业、学校、政府机构把内网的安全重点放在防范来自外部的攻击,依赖于防火墙、防病毒软件。然而对一系列计算机犯罪统计数字分析的结果,促使人们更多地关注来自内部人员的安全威胁。其中计算机系统的外部设备泄密是信息泄露事件发生的一大重要根源。如今越来越多的敏感信息、秘密数据和档案资料被存贮在计算机里,大量的秘密文件和资料变为磁性介质、光学介质,存贮在无保护的介质里,外设的泄密隐患相当大,内部员工可以通过光驱、软驱、USB等外设非法拷贝敏感信息和涉密信息,这些行为造成严重的后果和不可弥补的损失。 本文旨在对主机设备管理技术进行研究,建立一个主机设备管理系统。该系统具有身份认证、在线主机扫描、主机设备监控等功能。本文首先分析了现阶段主机设备管理的研究背景及现状,然后从需求分析入手,分析了系统的层次结构,接下来结合现有的技术,设计了一个主机设备管理系统,最后对该系统进行了实现和测试。 课题的最终成果为:设计了一个主机设备管理模块,并依据该模块实现了一个主机设备管理系统。实践证明,该系统具备良好的实际应用价值。 关键词:防水墙,主机设备管理,网络安全,信息安全 Abstract Network has been popular in China when the network age is coming, but the problem of information security becomes more and more serious. Most of enterprises, schools and governments focus on external attack depending on fireware and anti-virus. While a series of statistic result of computer crime indicates that people should attend the security threat of interior personnel. The one of the reasons of blowing the gaff is the computer device, because more and more sensitive information、private data and archives are saved in the computer, a mass of files and datum are changed into magnetic medium and optical medium so that the possibility of blowing the gaff is big owing to interior personnel copying information through CD-ROM, floppy drive and USB. In this thesis, the conceptual architecture of such a system was described, and our experience with its initial implementation was addressed as well. This system consists of identity authentication, on-line computer scan and device management. The achievements of this thesis include the design and implementation of a device management system. The requirement analysis was finished. Also the modules of the system and some key technologies were described. The system was implemented and tested as well. In conclusion, the device management system has good performance and we can ensu


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