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·718 · 现代药物与临床 Drugs Clinic 第 30 卷 第 6 期 2015 年 6 月 2014 年淄博市中心医院中药注射剂超说明书用药情况分析 司继刚,郑 雪,赵 群 淄博市中心医院 药学部,山东 淄博 255036 摘 要:目的 对淄博市中心医院中药注射剂超说明书用药情况进行调查分析,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法 随机抽取 2014 年淄博市中心医院使用中药注射剂的住院患者病历 200 份,对中药注射剂的溶媒选择、用药剂量或浓度、用药疗程、 超适应症用药等进行分析评价。结果 中药注射剂临床使用广泛。中药注射剂存在一定程度溶媒选择不当、超剂量、超浓度 或超疗程用药等超说明书用药的情况,超说明书用药处方占 42% 。结论 加强处方点评与反馈,对超说明书用药进行有效 干预,促进中药注射剂的合理使用。 关键词:中药注射剂;超说明书;处方点评 中图分类号:R286 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674 - 5515(2015)06 - 0718 - 04 DOI: 10.7501/j.issn.1674-5515.2015.06.025 Analysis on off-label use of traditional Chinese medicine injection in Central Hospital of Zibo in 2014 SI Ji-gang, ZHENG Xue, ZHAO Qun Department of Pharmacy, Central Hospital of Zibo, Zibo 255036, China Abstract: Objective To investigate the off-label use of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) injection in Central Hospital of Zibo, and to provide reference for reasonable application of TCM injection. Methods In-patients (200 cases) using TCM injection in Central Hospital of Zibo in 2014 were randomly extracted, and the selection of solvent, drug dosage or concentration, course of medication, and ultra-indication of TCM injection were analyzed and evaluated. Results TCM injection were widely used in Central Hospital of Zibo. There was a certain degree of off-label use of drugs, including unreasonable choice of solvent, ultra-dosage, ultra- concentration, and ultra-course of medication. The prescription of off-label use of TCM injection accounted for 42%. Conclusion Prescription comments and feedback should be strengthened, and off-label use of TCM injection should be given effective intervention, to promote rational use of TCM injection. Key words: traditional Chinese medicine injection; off-label; prescription comment 药品说明书是药品生产企业提供的,经国家药 中药注射剂


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