
MT Development in the past 现代渠道发展史.pptVIP

MT Development in the past 现代渠道发展史.ppt

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A look at Retail Development 零售业发展一览 1852: Le Bon Marché -好商佳百货公司 Aristide BOUCICAUT: (创始人的名字) Born on July 14th 1810, he started his career as a shop assistant in his father’s store. 生于1810年7月14日,他的职业生涯从在他父亲店里作一名店员开始。 Had useful work experience in the Petit Saint-Thomas store. 在“ the Petit Saint-Thomas”店里, 获得了有益的工作经验。 With his wife Marguerite, they developed the first department store in the world: Le Bon Marché. 他和他的妻子玛格丽特, 建立了世界上的第一家百货商店“好商佳百货公司” Le Bon Marché -好商佳百货公司 Immediate success due to increasing spending power, demographic changes and the development of transport systems (tramways and trains) 由于消费力的增加、人口的变化和交通系统的发展(电车和火车), 迅速获得成功. They developed 他们运用了: Bulk buying to get good prices 利用大宗购买获取优惠的价格 Low prices to sell quicker and more 采取低价赢得更快更多的销售 Self-service to reduce staff costs 采用自助式销售降低人员费用 Displayed prices to facilitate self-service 采用明码标价促进自助式销售 Mass market approaches (aisle-end displays) to “win over the customer” 通过大型生动化陈列 (如:TG陈列) 赢得消费者 Loss leaders… 削本出售商品来招揽顾客 They invented 他们创造了: The Promotion Sales 促销售卖方式 The linen month… (Theme Promotions) 亚麻制品月…(主题促销方式) 1916: Self-service, a sales system introduced in the United States in 1916 by Clarence Saunders (the Piggly Wiggly chain, the pig with a hat!). 自助式销售, 这种销售体制由克拉伦斯*桑德斯于1916年引入美国(“欢快的小猪” 连锁, 这个小猪是戴着帽子的) He also invented “cash and carry” by applying self-service for whole-selling. 同样,他将自助式销售应用到全部销售中,创立了“现金购物自行取货的销售方式,简称CC” Merchandizing and customer flow management techniques started to be set up. 商品和客流量管理技术开始被建立 In France, the first self-service store appeared in 1948 (in Paris, Goulet-Turpin, the Express Marché chain). 在法国, 第一家自助式销售连锁店出现在1948年(巴黎,Goulet-Turpin, the Express Marché chain) In France, the first user of discount methods was Edouard Leclerc in 1949. 在法国, 折扣方法的第一个使用者是Edouard Leclerc 他于1949年运用了该方法。 1930: Supermarkets and discount?stores: the first supermarket with prices 15 to 20%


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