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English Literature after the Second World War 第二次世界大战以后 重要的英国戏剧流派 Theater of the Absurd 荒诞派戏剧 Theater of the Absurd came about as a reaction to World War II.? It took the basis of existential philosophy and combined it with dramatic elements to create a style of theatre which presented a world which can not be logically explained, life is in one word, ABSURD! Needless to say, this genre of theatre took quite some time to catch on because it used techniques that seemed to be illogical to the theatre world.? The plots often strayed from the more traditional episodic structure, and seem to move in a circle, ending the same way it began.? The scenery was often unrecognizable, and to make matters worse, the dialogue never seemed to make any sense. Major Absurdist Playwrights 主要荒诞派剧作家 Samuel Beckett 撒缪尔·贝克特, Eugene Lonesco 尤金·尤奈斯库, Harold Pinter 哈罗德·品特 Nobel Prize-winner Samuel Beckett has widely influenced the course of 20th century literature. The impact of his plays (Waiting for Godot, Endgame), novels numerous short stories poems have added the word Beckettian to the literary dictionary. His work depicts the unrelent- ing plight of contemporary exist- ence: living at the edge of an abyss, in an indifferent universe, trying simply to go on with daily life in the face of recognition of futility. His ability to shape this modern experience into art has led the way for Harold Pinter, Edward Albee, many other writes. Waiting for Godot 《等待戈多》 “Why are we here, that is the question… We are waiting for Godot to come” On a empty road, two tramps are waiting for the mysterious Godot. They quarrel, make up, consider suicide, try to sleep but still Godot doesn’t arrive. With its sublime balance of comedy poignancy, vaudeville 杂耍 anxiety, Waiting for Godot is one of the most important plays of the 20th century. Waiting for Godot 《等待戈多》剧照 Eugene Ionesco 尤金·尤奈斯库(1909-1994) Eugene Ionesco’s main focus


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