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英文名著3000 本 Table of contents Edited by Julian Hawthorne 1 英文名著3000 本 Table of contents PART I--DETECTIVE STORIES FROM REAL LIFE ARTHUR TRAIN A Flight into Texas P. H. WOODWARD Adventures in the Secret Service of the Post-Office Department An Erring Shepherd An Aspirant for Congress The Fortune of Seth Savage A Wish Unexpectedly Gratified An Old Game Revived A Formidable Weapon ANDREW LANG Saint-Germain the Deathless The Man in the Iron Mask The Legend The Valets History The Valets Master 2 英文名著3000 本 Original Papers in the Case of Roux De Marsilly PART II--TRUE STORIES OF MODERN MAGIC M. ROBERT-HOUDIN A Conjurers Confessions Self-Training Second Sight The Magician Who Became an Ambassador Facing the Arabs Pistol DAVID P. ABBOTT Fraudulent Spiritualism Unveiled A Doctor of the Occult How the Tricks Succeeded The Name of the Dead Mind Reading in Public Some Famous Exposures HEREWARD CARRINGTON More Tricks of Spiritualism Matter through Matter Deception Explained by the Science of Psychology ANONYMOUS 3 英文名著3000 本 How Spirits Materialize 4 英文名著3000 本 PART I--DETECTIVE STORIES FROM REAL LIFE Arthur Train A Flight into Texas The flight and extradition of Charles F. Dodge unquestionably involved one of the most extraordinary battles with justice in the history of the criminal law. The funds at the disposal of those who were interested in procuring the prisoners escape were unlimited in extent, and the arch conspirator f


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