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英文名著3000 本 John Halifax, Gentleman by Dinah Maria Mulock (Mrs. Craik) 1 英文名著3000 本 CHAPTER I Get out o Mr. Fletchers road, ye idle, lounging, little-- Vagabond, I think the woman (Sally Watkins, once my nurse), was going to say, but she changed her mind. My father and I both glanced round, surprised at her unusual reticence of epithets: but when the lad addressed turned, fixed his eyes on each of us for a moment, and made way for us, we ceased to wonder. Ragged, muddy, and miserable as he was, the poor boy looked anything but a vagabond. Thee need not go into the wet, my lad. Keep close to the wall, and there will be shelter enough both for us and thee, said my father,as he pulled my little hand-carriage into the alley, under cover,from the pelting rain. The lad, with a grateful look, put out a hand likewise, and pushed 2 英文名著3000 本 me further in. A strong hand it was--roughened and browned with labour--though he was scarcely as old as I. What would I not have given to have been so stalwart and so tall! Sally called from her house-door, Wouldnt Master Phineas come in and sit by the fire a bit?--But it was always a trouble to me to move or walk; and I liked staying at the mouth of the alley, watching the autumnal shower come sweeping down the street: besides, I wanted to look again at the stranger-lad. He had scarcely stirred, but remained leaning against the wall-either through weariness, or in order to be out of our way. He took little or no notice of us, but kept his eyes fixed on the pavement


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