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内容摘要 随着经济的发展,和人们对休闲旅行的认识,越来越多的人选择旅行的出行方式进行休闲,由于价格等诸多因素的考虑所以很多人会预定并入住经济型的小型酒店,造成了现在的小型酒店的发展迅速,呈现出雨后春笋的态势,然而针对小型的经济适用性的酒店,除了连锁经营能够提供有效的管理之外在其他的自主营运的酒店存在着管理混乱服务质量差等问题,所以本文将以自己生活地区的小型酒店的服务质量的现状和存在的问题进行研究和分析,力求以自己浅显的分析来提高酒店的服务质量,而针对研究对象的选择上,金鑫酒店作为笔者家乡的酒店在近年来得到了较为良好的营运因此将该酒店选为研究对象,也就是说本文将以金鑫酒店为例,研究金鑫酒店的服务质量现状,并提出改进的建议。 虽然酒店管理者们已经知道在竞争中取胜的关键所在,并且也实施在日常的经营管理之中,但是却得不到很好的效果。我们从不断屹立和倒闭的酒店中也可以看到,并不是所有的企业都适用于同样的发展方式,成功不可以复制,但是失败却可以借鉴。对于如何提高、改进酒店服务质量这个问题上,有不少学者也都对其进行研究过,但是最终却没有得到全面的汇总及针对性的改善。面对竞争如此激烈的市场,酒店如何提高自己的竞争实力,是我们值得深刻去研究和探讨的问题。 本文的写作目的,主要以金鑫酒店为例,并借鉴众多学者对酒店服务质量的提升的所作研究、并结合酒店自身的发展状态,对于现在的服务质量进行研究改进,并总结出对于如何改进酒店服务质量的方法,希望能够对酒店身身的发展。 关键字:金鑫酒店,服务质量,现状,改进 Abstract Along with the development of the economy, and peoples understanding of leisure travel, more and more people choose the way to travel for leisure travel, due to the consideration of many factors, such as price so a lot of people will book and stay in hotels the economy model is small, the small hotel development is rapid, now shows a tendency of spring, yet the economic applicability on small hotel, in addition to providing the effective management of the chain operation can exist in other independent operation of the hotel service quality management confusion some problems, so this article will in their own life area of small hotel service quality of the current situation and existing problems of research and analysis, makes every effort to its own shallow analysis to improve the quality of hotel service, and for the choice of the object of study, jinxin hotel as a hotel in my hometown in recent years is relatively good operating so chose the hotel as the research object, that is to say, this article will jinxin hotel, for example, research status quo, jinxin hotel service quality and put forward Suggestions for improvement. Although the hotel managers are already know the key to our competition, and also implemented in the daily operation and management, but can not get good results. We also from standing continuo


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